87 firebird built w/juice/slicks vs. nissan b14 turbo w/o spray/snowtires

oh damnnnnnn

i want some hard drive bling :frowning:


No sorry, i dont even know anyone with a white evo.
Also i didnt know nick 2-3 yrs ago, i havew known him for about a month. And i can tell you he doesnt do drugs/drink. Previously… well i have no idea, but thats also none of my business.
This thread got way out of hand, nick will be around this summer for sure if you have anything to say just say it to him. Hes not one to start shit, but he also not one to back down. If you wanna race just im sure hes up for it.
In for :lockd:


he hasn’t made you blow a line off his cock yet?
he didn’t tell you that’s his “test” for his true friends?

oh man someone’s in for a BIG surprise!

You’ve known him for a month and you already defend him like this?

Shit, within a year, you two will be married. :tup:

Originally Posted by Slopoke
yep, and while your out racing ill stop by and pick up your g/f and take her home

post getting deleted while im trying to respond. grr.

and theres no way in hell i would fucking go anywhere with you.

(i dont like slow cars, sorry)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Originally Posted by Slopoke
yep, and while your out racing ill stop by and pick up your g/f and take her home

edit your post while im trying to respond. grr.

and theres no way in hell i would fucking go anywhere with you.

(i dont like slow cars, sorry)


Learn how to post you fucking noob :smiley:


Learn how to post you fucking noob


bite me b.

i was very happy lurking.

but that called for a response.


Hes not one to start shit, but he also not one to back down.



Get em Jesse

Hey, hows everybody doing… so this firebird had 195s on it??? wtf, hmmm oh and :tup: Jeese sounds like the stang is rocking… also sorry to hear about the neon slopoke, deffinatly beat my s10, but that was slow too…

I wanna race this nissian, maybe this fall??? ehhh, MAYBE… :gotme:

Nice to see ya ring in jim


in that pic he looks like the persian guy from 300 without all the piercings


Get em Jesse


so is this cockriding?:roll2:
people grow up, like i said i havent known nick for long at all, im not defending anything he has done in the past. Just sayin he lookin for a drama free summer of runnin some of you guys. And already told me he wants to run jesse even though hes puuurty sure he gonna lose

i have a feeling this goes on a lot in the pearl household, or any place with a mirror for that matter:



Gaht Dayum Bill. Why you gotta post that ish. This ain’t no Gay porn site. NSFW is in the off topic section. :puke:

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:134,topic:28064"”]

i have a feeling this goes on a lot in the pearl household, or any place with a mirror for that matter:




Nick Pearl could drive a bugatti veyron and I’d still think its uber lame because he drove it.

most embarassing pix ever


ACTUALLY…he has a graphic design degree @ daimen
and no he dont do drugs, he wont even drink…??? where does this shit come from? I love how people make shit up so they sound like they know what they are talkin about.

vq30de WTF??? wishin he got shot at virginia tech? You know damn well you would be dead if you went to school there cause your fat ass wouldnt be gettin away from anything, but it woould be rather amusing watchin you try to run for your life. And who are you to talk about what cars can beat, you drive a beat ass blazer…?

the kid comes on hear to appoligize for being a douche in the past and try to have fun, and race people this summer and gets bashed and banned for what?


i love kids who bring out peoples weight? is that the best u got? thats all u could find on him cal. omg iam fat to. whats the fucking problem? its pathetic that ur witty comeback consists of cracks on personal appearance.were friends cal. i like u. i have known vq30de for a long time carl is definatly one of the nicest people u will meet in ur life. pretty much everyone has had a nick pearl experience i myself can remember 3 in my life. the stupidity involved in them was so horrible that nothing in the world could make me regain the lossed respect. other people feel the same way. he talks so much shit about the people on this forum. were supposed to just forget it and be buddy buddy with him? the shit that kid said about jessie last year alone makes him a pos that will never gain any respectable human beings trust.



i love kids who bring out peoples weight? is that the best u got? thats all u could find on him cal. omg iam fat to. whats the fucking problem? its pathetic that ur witty comeback consists of cracks on personal appearance.were friends cal. i like u. i have known vq30de for a long time carl is definatly one of the nicest people u will meet in ur life. pretty much everyone has had a nick pearl experience i myself can remember 3 in my life. the stupidity involved in them was so horrible that nothing in the world could make me regain the lossed respect. other people feel the same way. he talks so much shit about the people on this forum. were supposed to just forget it and be buddy buddy with him? the shit that kid said about jessie last year alone makes him a pos that will never gain any respectable human beings trust.


ughh my head hurts

but truth carl is super cool…and he drinks gin from handles

but ive had a run in with nick pearl, we went to go run him once and we started to pull and he tried to swerve into our car on the thruway…

hes a piece of shit, end of story