87 firebird built w/juice/slicks vs. nissan b14 turbo w/o spray/snowtires

WTF…I wouldnt defend him after those pics were posted. Esp. if I haven’t know him too long…I’d think maybe he liked me.:ghey:


dude, it’s Xerxies



in that pic he looks like the persian guy from 300 without all the piercings



They both have “pretty” eyes…:gay2:

any “guy” that takes pictures of himself looking like that needs to go to a doctor to make sure he indeed does have a penis and not a vagina.

lol at me cockriding, i dont know anyone personally on this forum, Im just fucking bored


And already told me he wants to run jesse even though hes puuurty sure he gonna lose


Ive only went to a small mighty meet 1ce, BUT i wouldnt miss the day this race // meet goes down…

AND from what I recall in some past talks, Jesse has said that Nick wouldnt think to stop by when hes around, so if this gathering ever happens it would be Hollywood material get yo cameras ready type of shit :tup:

ill run this bitch!

so who the fuck is nick pearl lol!

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:134,topic:28064"”]

i have a feeling this goes on a lot in the pearl household, or any place with a mirror for that matter:




I think that look is either “Magnum” or “Blue Steel”

Balls models 4L YO!

This thread makes my head hurt like woah.

apparently he has his own “clothing line” details to follow tomorrow possibly

If I were to post a Picard for this thread, it would be so gad damned huge that it would probably take you the rest of your lives just to scroll across and see the whole picture. So I am just gonna play it safe and post the mini picard. k thx. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/Picard2.gif


i love kids who bring out peoples weight? is that the best u got? thats all u could find on him cal. omg iam fat to. whats the fucking problem? its pathetic that ur witty comeback consists of cracks on personal appearance.


He called me fat, and I’m not even fat!! Not that I give a shit, just sayin’.


And already told me he wants to run jesse


I’m ready

:lol: those pictures made this thread worth the 7 pages.

The kid makes one post and it spawns 7 pages of drama? :bloated:


The kid makes one post and it spawns 7 pages of drama? :bloated:


This is years in the making

Oh I’m sure. Shit I’ve never met the kid, I don’t think he’s had an account for more than a day at a time since I joined NYSpeed, yet I knew he had a reputation for being a tool shed.

this kid is teh hotness

you know what this is going way to far. You guys are extremely fucking immature! You sit here and make fun of people for everything they do, you go on there personal websites and post pictures of them on here and pick them apart. You lil boys need to grow the fuck up. Im sure none of you are fucking good looking, none of you have said shit to his face, and none of you will ever amount to anything but losers who do this every fucking night. Its people like you guys that get off to this shit. The fucking kid was apologizing, and from what i’ve seen on here he isnt the immature one. you fucking lil fucks are sitting here ripping him apart and he doesnt even care, he fucking may have got banned, i read the old posts also and again it was you people starting with him. He starts off friendly and then you fucking asshole “dueschbags” as u call him push him to the point were i dont blame him for being an asshole. you say his car is slow! Well all who have raced him have lost! it doesnt matter what they lost by they fucking lost! even the kid on the bike said so. He also admitted he cant drive his bike well so fucking what, thats his fault! He assumes as all of you do that if a better driver was on his bike or in your fucking ego booster shit boxes he might have lost! BUT HE FUCKING DIDNT! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU IMMATURE LITTLE FUCKING BOYS. Race him, say what you have to say and shut up. From what im seeing here he has no problem and never has and well you push him. That audi kid who got beat by him sat and talked here about him for hours about how hes a fag and hows he gonna kick his ass, then he meets him, loses none the less and doesnt say shit to this kid. you guys are all talk, all fucking assholes and are lucky to be alive. I would just quit this bullshit and just grow the fuck up. Do you realize what you are doing is also against the law. not to be a bearer of bad news guys but nic could rip you all apart in court if he wanted to. his dad works for the IRS? and his uncle is a lawyer!? are you stupid! So know all you asshole internet dick heads go on your little google site and look up a law book and figure out what you have done, theres alot more then you realize. What the fuck is your problem, saying he sucks cock, and blows coke and blah blah fuckin blah. Have you seen him do it? Have you had it done? Is it on a fucking video!? Are you fucking gay? Stop making assumptions about people and putting them down to make all you pathetic assholes look better. The kid prolly has had more girls in his life then you have, he has a job a nice car and well doesnt take shit from you people and honestly i would respect that. Do me a favor and shut the fuck up! and if u lost…u lost thats it. Wheter he won by a fuckin car or 50 YOU LOST SO GET THE FUCK OVER IT! HE DOESNT CARE SO WHY SHOULD YOU!


“his dad works for the IRS? and his uncle is a lawyer”

Are you fucking kidding me?

YOU(NICK PEARL) put the pics on a PUBLIC internet hosting site…You stupid fuck. Read the fucking terms of service on photo bucket…you dumb fucking moron.

I think the terms you are looking for are liable and slander…If your referring to both what people say in person and what is written on here…So now go call your uncle and have him explain those terms to you…

Carry on :slight_smile:

May want to reference the fact your stating family works for a government agency in some sort of threatening manner.