87fox helps out the local community in seattle..

Well I am here in Ft Lewis in Washington doing outprocessing BS and me and a few friends finally got a chance to get out and check out Seattle which is about an hour away from where I am at right now. So anyways we were just clownin it up downtown looking for bars and trouble and we came across a guy that needed our help. Ill let the pic speak for itself.


:tup: to me doing my part to help tackle the tough issues in Seattle :tup:




edit: crap mods move this to OT plz :smiley:

if theres one thing that america needs, its to make sure all lap dances are allowed under law

dit: now get your ass back to buffalo so i can use you as an excuse to drink more !

hahah :tup: way to keep shit in-line

:tspry: good job

:lol: awesome…

serving this country…one good deed at a time :tup:

cant wait til you come back mike!

:lol: good job mang

:rofl: thats awesome, makin sure to keep everything in order



nice Mike :slight_smile: come home soon!!

lol…thats awesome!!

bwahahahahahahaahhahaha good times… how did it feel to get out and do a lil drinkin?

Nice mikey lol

LMAO I’ll sign

I am pretty sure i saw the mean white vert rippin down transit rod round 5pm saturday night! :tup:

it was fun but not as good as it will be when i am home with all my friends :slight_smile:

oh and Jay it wasnt my cobra you saw im still in washington :smiley:

oh no … it WAS your cobra … ill give it a wax job b4 i return it to you …

sorry … this chick i know has a thing for cobras, so i just had to …

edit: oh yea … i couldnt get the stains out of the rear seat, got a new cover on order from the dealer …

bwahahahaha…thats funny


lol sweet im glad someone got some use out of it this year :bloated: