Heading to the PNW: Seattle / Portland

We’re heading out to Seattle and Portland shortly for some much needed time away from work. We are in/out of Seattle and plan to head down the coast, spend some time there, and then head in to Portland.

Anyone spent much time out there? What should we make sure we hit up? Other than all the basic stuff that is. :highfive:

I live right outside of Seattle. What kind of stuff are you looking to do? If you are looking to do outdoors stuff I know a ton of places to go hiking. As far as nightlife well it depends on the scene you are looking for. There is a pretty solid EDM and nicer club scene here which is what I am usually up to. When Howie came here I took him to a dive bar and we just drank face though lol.

We are more local bar than club scene.

Someone at work mentioned taking a ferry that included going in/near the locks and stuff?

Sweet deal I know the local bar scene very well too. I would say I spend as much time at local bars as I do clubs. There are a few ferry rides that are nice but there is one that is a boat/car thing that goes through the city and the water this I think is the best. The Seattle science center is amazing and is in a great area to hang out at after. Lots of nice places to eat, great bars, and a lot of scenery. Pike Place Market(where they throw the fish) is downtown and also at a perfect location to have plenty to do afterwards. How many days are you going to be around? Are you trying to do tourist type things?

i have a few friends there. lots to do… but i bet couger speed can sum it up…

Sum it up you say?
Trendy people/bars/clubs
People go home at 1AM

Thats about it :mamoru:

Do not, I repeat, do not hang out with Cougarspeed, he is a lightweight and a bitch.


PS, play thumbs game.

PPS. You forgot to mention a shit ton of beggars / Methheads

Quit talking about my homies like that lol. I was just trying to make sure my wiener would work later man. Im sure you understand hahah.

I don’t get whiskey dick :stuck_out_tongue:

Which one (ferry) is that?

We are staying downtown both times in Seattle Hotel 1000 and the Pan Paciffic. 6 nights toal in Seattle I think? Both weekends. I’ll have to check out the science center, was looking in to the mesuem of flight (or something like that). Is it any good?

Never been to the museum of flight.
Go do some outdoors stuff it is amazing out here.

Plan on it. Thanks for the heads up.

that’s because the minimal leverage required for “full staff”, works in your favor. :stuck_out_tongue: