Alright, so heres the deal. My friends dad bought a 240 for something to play around in, but he also bought an old porshe. So he likes the porshe more, and wants to sell the 240. I will be selling the car for him, so if you have any questions pm me.

Alright so the run down.

89 240sx
174xxxkm on a KA24E
light blue exterior
blue interior (or light blue, whatever you want to call it)
Still runs, and pulls pretty hard. (it is an 89)
There are NO holes in the frame rails, NO exterior rust.
Perfect car to be built upon, or winter driven.

So he took it for a presafety the other day cause he wanted to know what he would have to fix. They told him:

Replace all accessory belts (IE fan belt)
Wiper blades (no biggie)
And the biggest thing - fix the frame rail that runs above the gas tank, Unfortunately you would have to drop the tank.
Install fender lining (He has it, its in his car, just hasnt had the chance to put it back on)
The other things on the list are very small, so small i forget them lol.

Ok, so the car will NOT come CERT and does not need an etest (20 yr old)

Asking price is $1400 OBO

You can PM me anytime, im on here maybe once a day. Also if its really urgent you can text me anytime at 5196192449

Now for the PICTURES :slight_smile:


He has the gas tank cap. It will be back on in a few days. There was a bit of rust he wanted to fix.








it does need an Etest, only 88’s and older get away with it now!.. it was a rule change!


wow sorry for Picture fail. Ill try again







There we go, Mods delete last 2 posts?

THE FRAME IS TRASH DUDE!! had me thinking it was good to tell a friend!!

I never said they were mint. I said “no holes” cant expect perfection.

87 and prior does not require e-test

^^ yah, I figured that out, thanks.

no holes until you poke it

or breath to hard, haha but better shape then my first one


guys shut the fuck out and let him sell his car

or ill place bans

Lol thanks pants, not my car though. So talk as much shit as you what.

And No to the $500 offer, I bet even if I said 500 you wouldnt show up.

fucking ownage

:/: what are u 12?

nope im 24. and your a newb. so stfu. low balling mofo

Sold, thanks for the interest

aren’t you the same guy who guranteeed me that you wer buying my winter beater for 400? Never heard back form you.

This should get locked before it gets outta hand lol