9/23 F-body Meet/Cruise

if its on a sunday i will roll out in the Mustang for sure

When can you finalize a date?

sunday is fine if you guys want


i have to move sunday… sorry guys

johnny come in or stop in tommorrow, we can start making calls.


Location TBD
Time TBD

Sometime SUNDAY

I know people from Rochester want to come down…

Im sure Mustangs are also welcome…

Speedped you are NOT invited
Speedped you are NOT invited
Speedped you are NOT invited
Speedped you are NOT invited


i do not want to go so grow up and quit being an ass

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~99% Of NYSpeed

we’ll have to see what i’m doin

ill see what i can do


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~99% Of NYSpeed


poor kid

o… i forgot , i may stop for a little






so what day for sure? im leaving for vegas sunday.

some free park?
how about a little picnic, before dark? then a little cruise.

I down if im around! lets cruse tonight 9/18 :headbang:


no need, I got Ttops:rx3:


Me too!! lol. I may go. Dunno yet. Depends on the work situation.

It’d be cool if a massive amount of domestic muscle showed up at Rides for Life on Sunday…

and then people could go cruise afterwards or whatever…

Location suggestions?

Time suggestions?