9.3.06 No Frills Niagra Falls Canada


Getting close!!!

passenger anyone?? I would love to head up and hang out!



im in

if weather holds i should be down


hmm maybe ill bring the GTi out before it goes under the knife

i dont think my car will be ready but i would be happy to sit in the lead car and navigate the cruise…

you can select your level of difficulty before hand.

i am not responsible for accidents.

^^^ I’ll lead. God knows I don’t want to be in the back…

i was there last night and all i have to say is wow… it was crazy…

nissan 240sx came drifting in and a cop pulls him over and everyone surrounded the guy and wanted to flip the cruiser…

mustang gt pulled out and started doing donughts under the intersection…

plus a bunch of burnouts …

i’ll be sellng stag and doe tickets…lol


looks like rain for the weekend…

u just said a dirty 4 letter word…u should be banned faggoR

me and josh are in if it doesn’t…gasp


why not, havent been up there in a few years

bump 4 tommaro

yup, definitely looks like it’s gonna rain on your parade…i’m prob out since i have no time to work on my car before tomorrow afternoon…and it’s in no shape to run for more than 5 minutes as it sits now