90 Silvia

interesting, what kind of paint did you use? Personally I don’t think it will look that bad, but like you said, you will get a better idea of what it looks like when its all complete :smiley:

It probably looks good in person, but with your flash on, it looks like you used a rattle bottle job. 1st grade arts class amount of sparkle, take a pic with reg. light.

Well pictures cant do it justice. It does not look like a rattle job the camera I used is really shitty and im no photographer on top of that.
It’s obviously no professional job but it looks great to me.
Ill come to a meet in the spring so you all can see in person.
And yes I did use 1st grade arts class amounts of flake:)

These are about the best pics I can get.

To everyones own, i’ll have to see it in person, to admire the work. Did you prime it before painting it yourself? Or was it like a spray and go job?

I sanded and primered and painted and then clear.

Please dont do you’re hood, Not that I hate sparkle but thats way over kill IMO, It just looks cheap…and doing the whole will make it look like a cheap car with mismatched paint and on top of that you wont get the gloss and shine normal paint would. Rattle can for the loss. Car was really nice I thought…Spray painting a car is never a smart idiea…especially when it didnt seem to need it.

Well I have to fiberglass some spots on my hood so Its going to need paint. And It doesn’t look cheap or like spray paint. I took my time and didnt do a shitty job. And it has plenty shine. Its called clear coat.
I never just took a rattle can and sprayed it and called it quits. It looks fine.
It looks like a black vinyl without any shitty marks from sheets of vinyl.

I see what you’re saying. My point is just that spray paint dosent belong on cars. And sure clear will make it shine…but spray paint wont get the shine and gloss that real automative paint would. Neither will it have the quality and strength. You’re saying this spray job has no oragane peel what so ever? It looks dull in that 3rd pic. I’m not trying to put you down or anything haha to each theyre own right

Yeah spray paint really doesnt belong on cars but I decided to give it a try and it turned out fine. It has the slightest orange peel that you can only see up really close and at certain angles. And It is shiny the camera I used is garbage. Plus i am still giving it one or two more coats of clear. And then Ill wet send a while after that to get any imperfections out.

Whew got a shitload of tires today. Ready for my first season:)

That’s alot of tires.
What’s with the Honda (www.sufi.cc) badging on your Nissan? lol

wow, beautiful car! I LOVE that hood…

do you have a tire sponsorship to get all thoes or something?

No I dont haha Remington Tire in Sherwood Park is going under and its a hugee price reduction. So took advantage of it today:)

Whaat Honda Badge!??

Must be one hell of a deal to stock up on tires. lol
Im just busting you up. The hand symbol on your rear bumber is very very similar to the Sufi club symbol which is basically the Honda Enthusiast car club.

And your car looks good btw. I would have to see the new roof in person to see how it really looks. As I know what you mean about pictures not doing it justice

Hahah Oh I must of missed then when I went to the link!

Oh I saw it now haha. Nope I dont think they would use a shocker symbol for a club haha.

That tire sale must’ve been huge…rich bitch :stuck_out_tongue:

Poor bitch now.

jesus christ how much did you pay a tire?! Thats a lot of rubber