project little bandit

well most of you know what happen…
damn crash.!

anyway well im one step closer now to getting my car drivable again :slight_smile: :drivin
today dubv came down into kitchener to pick up a new set of rims (which look freaking sweet, makes me want a set like em)
anyway he came by my house for like 10min and helped me position my front bumper (which was a pain in the ass trying it myself) ty for the help vlad.
then after i went with my gf to partsource to get a new battery, my old one was completly DEAD from it just sitting the last part of the winter pretty much till now. so i got a new battery and my car starts up nice a fine again, with my new injen cold air intake it sounds nice. (my gf heard me reving from inside the house.)

so ya, my panda looking car (little bandit) is almost drivable again :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

was happy to actually just be able to start my car up again and hear her purr… or growl i guess since panda’s dont purr.

some issues is my front lights dont work, and my bumper/headlights/hood needs to be better aligned, pretty sure its just the bumper out of wack.

i got some pictures because i know everyone likes pictures but those are going have to wait il post some up later.

well time to have another cold beer,


haha I wanna see this.
You did take off the insurance when you got into the accident, right?

ya. sorta, i put my insurance for just fire/theft.

here’s some pics of my car.

im going try to figure out why there’s a gap between the hood/bumper/lights area. hopfully i can figure it out and get my front lights working tomorrow.

come on what do you need half clears for whne u still got ur normal dtrl’s, how about i buy them off you, help u fund ur project

nope. and nope. i dont have my regular lights. whats on my car is what i got.

i mean a trade + cash on my part

ohhh. no i like my half clears.

try asking vlad… he just got a pair. highly doubtful that he will either.
should of grab a pair from SON a few weeks ago, someone had his for trade for stock ones.

.thought you were selling the coupe anyway?

shhhh…undecided, its for sale, for the right offer…idk what im doing anymore im so confused

keep it, you know your going wanna drift it.

you still got that other beast? chevy

…back to my little bandit.
i got alittle bit done this morning and took it for a quick drive around the block, i swear everyone i drove passed instantly turned and looked at me driving by, could be that my car sounds louder with my intake and/or with my exhuast leak, not to mention the two tone loud sports car driving by on a side street playing some death metal pretty loud as well…

ohh and also.
by my front lights, there is this one connector peice that isnt going anywhere on both sides and i cant figure out what it is suppose to hook up too, i decided to come to my own conclusion :hmm and just say its for fog lights… but then i still dont know how right i am :confused:

here’s a pic of what i mean.
(thats where my headlight should be, but i had it off for this pic
and no its not for my headlight.)

good to hear its mobil again, are you gonna paint it all white or black or what? for the chev, idk what i want to do with taht either, i want chads s14 front end for my car, i want to sell it, i want rhd

Maybe the wire to hook up the actuator for headlight up and down?
Doesn’t look like a standard Nissan Fog light connector. Actually looks like something they would use for headlights. Try hooking up a voltmeter to it and try using knobs in the car until you get some numbers.
It’s looking really good. Like Matt said. Black or White?

hey thanks. knew i could count on your knowledge, and that sounds like what it should be since my headlights dont go up or down. i gotta do them manually.

and the black or white, BOTH.
my girlfriend named my car when i first got it to “Little Bandit” (snakes car on the simpsons) and i got a little mascot for it, a little panda bear.

im going go try to get my headlights to work… only thing is i dont have a voltmeter.

ohh ya, when i took my car for a drive around the block i parked it on my front lawn to get some pics of it.
here they are

I don’t ever like recommending it, but do you have a test light?
Canadian Tire has cheap voltmeters for $10. I think they’re even available in Wal-Mart. You don’t need anything fancy. You can get test lights at both places for sure. If you must get a test light, try to get an LED test light and not one with the regular incandescent bulb. They’re a little pricier but they don’t pose the same strain on the electrical system from excessive current draw, and the explicit fire hazard from the bulb/sparking.

hey…brad…as soon as i got home from Kitchener i checked the half clears and if
you’ll connect them straight up to the usual connection they will work fine…when
i was in your place we couldn’t see them working because it was too sunny…

^awsome. ya man your new meshis and half clears are looking sexy on your car, god i love those rims.

but ya, i cant find out where the hell that connecter peice hooks up to, and i probably should get a voltmeter and a test light, only problem would be its victoria day and everything is close so il have to wait till tomorrow, because i really need it, since 3/4 of my front lights dont light up, both my headlights, my left half clear and my DTRL (which never really want to light up anyway before my accident) also i think it may just be because of the bulbs being dead, i found 2 that are. only lights that work is my right side marker and my right turn single (half clear), and the back ones work just fine.

but i still cannot figure out where the hell this goes. im wondering if it was even hooked up before?

posted this on nico too.
here’s a link

well i found out where that plug leads to…

and i feel like a complete moron for not even checking it out in the first place, since i was already going to replace my headlight bulbs with my other ones… ohh well.
ya my other headlight bulbs have a wire coming out of em with the corresponding plug for it.