91 spirit wiring diagram

okay i want to install a cd player in my gf’s car but i need a wiring diagram for the radio. its a 91 dodge spirit. if you could email me one id really appreciate it. my email is ajshort1@verizon.net thanks!



okay i want to install a cd player in my gf’s car but i need a wiring diagram for the radio. its a 91 dodge spirit. if you could email me one id really appreciate it. my email is ajshort1@verizon.net thanks!



or u could not hack it together and use an adaper harness. If u wanna hack it just use a test light find key off power and key on power then look at the color of the speaker wire

i cant find a harness that they sell :frowning:

Wall-mart buddy !!!

wal-mart has it?

yeah, I dont specificly reameber seeing it but I’m sure they do that where I get all my stereo shit from, call me well go get it tommorow, I got to go back to work today,

or pepboys thats the worst excuse ive heard!

I wouldnt Be surprised if pepboys didnt have it, there stock always seems alittle low when I got in there.

well pep-boys didnt have what i needed but wal-mart did, so its now and looks great. :smiley:

everything i ever needed we had but i am sweet like that

lol maybe diddy had already stole it when i went lol.