911 call on BK



wow…i didnt even finish listening to that…

is that real? could someone possibly be that retarded (no offense to the retards, we all know they are big, strong people) to think that this was an acceptable instance in which to use the 911 system?

10 minutes later, the BK manager calls 911 saying that there is a crazy soccer mom wielding a sub machine gun shooting up the place…

For some reason I have no reason to doubt this has happened more than once even. Amazing how pissed some people can get over simple stuff.

only in america

that bitch is crazy. i loved how the 911 operator hung up on her. ROFL

wheres darwin on this one?

hahaha i suggest you go in there and act like an adult hahaha

she sounds kinda hot?

If she’s ordering from BK then that’s unlikely.


“well you’re supposed to be here to protect me”

“what are we protecting you from a wrong cheeseburger? is this a harmful cheesburger?”


:violin:that is i have to say to this bitch!

Obviously he’s talking about the 911 operator.