92 240 tranny swap

Hey guys im thinking about buying a 92 240, it will be my first, only downside is its auto :mad: :mad: How hard would it be to drop a 5spd in it? i no i would have to add the clutch pump, but will i need to modify like the drive shaft or is it just bolt on, and what about electronics? Any help earns my thanks

you will need 5spd tranny, clutch master and slave, clutch pedal, 5spd brake pedal or cut yours to match ( i just cut mine cause it was easier no probs yet after a year), hard line from 5spd for clutch fluid, new piliot bushing, 5spd driveshaft (abs or non abs depends what you have, auto driveshaft is longer i belive?). if you switch the ecu you will have the limiter if you leave the auto ecu you have no limiter but alsoneed to watch you dont over rev. also remeber you prolly will not have a clutch sensor so make sure you dont start your car in gear :{ . cant think of anything else right now hope this helps a little

I was at standard auto wreckers today and saw 3 240s. All of them were 89-90s but you can use their 5spd parts for your swap.

Here is a good run through of what you need to do: http://www.240sx.org/links/installs/s14_5speed_swap.htm

As far as swapping the tranny on an S13 is should be almost the same if not exactly the same process as doing it on the S14. While you have the tranny out be sure to put in a brand new clutch and flywheel. If you get the flywheel from the junkyard make sure you resurface it and torque it in with brand new bolts.