92 civic eg hatch

Whats going on? Im new to this site and this area i just moved up here to the 518 from the 845 near newburgh. I dont have my car up here on the road cant afford it :banghead but i will have it up here in 3 weeks. LMK what you think of her


I guess you cant have a nice car without haters -___-

Put some new wheels on itt thanks to BUDDAHLOVE90 ]http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h32/WOODY845/157080_10150152746054278_616634277_8479022_5507367_n.jpg
Shitty ass pic but its taking its winter napp :slight_smile:

Nice car man… anything done to the motor? engine swap?

Right now it just has a b20b planning on going b20v i go to hudson valley and i have my b16 head and some internals i plan on having everything done before the next honda day at the end of august

i think i have seen you at hvccc


Welcome aboard!

Car looks clean.

What were the old white wheels?

^LS Webs bro, you know this lol

I wanted to sat 'teg wheels but wasn’t sure enough.

Love the duckbill spoiler.


i really liked the way the white webs looked on it

I usually don’t like the LS webs but the look awesome painted white on your car. Love the look. B20 must be mad honduh tork!

nice spoiler, didnt happen to get it from a teal hatch did ya?

That’s alot of semen on the hatch

i feeel if i painted the ep3 wheels white it would look pretty goodd

naaaa i got it with the carrrr

sorry i get excited

welcome aboard!!! nice hatch