93 mazda mx3 $350!

I bought this car off of draftinwitjr a few weeks back for $300. its a great running little car but it has title issues. I picked up a new cackord the same day I tried to reg it and realized I couldn’t without some work. 125k, 5 speed, 1.8 v6. its a sexy orange.


clutch slave (have it, will come with the car)

the interior needs to be put back together (door cards are off ect)

the shift linkage is sloppy.


newer clutch

newer brakes

tires have good tread.

the reason I’m asking $350 is because I bought a new slave cylinder for the car which will be included with the sale.

ok, on to the title issues- in order to title it you have to either

  1. hunt down the dude who originaly owned it, ask him nicely to order a duplicate title, then have him sell it to you or

  2. get the kid who signed the buyer part on the back of the title (italiankid something on here) to go title it in his name, wait for the title to come to him, then have him sell it to you. PITA, I know, but it would be worth it. its a great running cool little car. need this gone by the end of the month, if its not gone by then I’m scrapping it.

716-228-5304 give me a call

lmk before you scrap it. id love to come and grab some shit off it.

For those interested in registering this car, I just went through a similar title issue with my car- previous owner scribbled something out on the title making it useless. I tracked him down and met him at the DMV, had him sign a form, and paid $20, and the new title in his name came in a week. I even had them send it right to my address. They said I could have just had him sign the form and give me a photocopy of his license and I could have done the DMV thing myself. Pretty painless for NYS DMV.

if u junk it let me know what yard… i need a few parts…

I got 140$ on it. I need a field car.

pirite, karter and chad- why don’t you all give me $100 each, i’ll return the slave, you can put the car at karters, take what you want, then leave it with karter to field car? sounds like a plan, see you tomorrow

selling it is not fun.

taking it to tift before the snow flies is.

can’t get it reg’d, otherwise I would. someone buy my shit

i pmed ya back, i might as well get some more crap off this thing…

buy my shit, needs to be gone by the end of the month im moving. this will go on craigslist if its not gone this weekend

going on craigslist tomorrow, if its not gone by a week from today its going to the scrapper

My offer still stands.

sumone just VIN swap this shit

Like I said, getting a new title would be easy and cheap, as long as the old owner would sign the paper. Most people would want the car out of their name. (Think the Dawn/4X4Jimmy Audi situation). I got mine in my mailbox in a week.

damnit jam

Get the title and I will buy this. srsly.

junking this tomorrow

location? id like to come get some stuff off it

Did you even look into this jam? Just curious.

its in boston, ny. just take the whole car WTF

jaywonch- i looked into it, its not hard, just not something i can do righ tnow. i have no place to put it, ctm and i just moved again and this is at my old place. cant reg it to drive it anywhere ect… :frowning:

Ahh, Well…can always blow it up. Good luck sir.