

clean car, good price. GLWS

I am confused by one thing though…how are you not sure if their is a lein on the car? Do you still owe money on it?

This has JDMjunkies name all over it.

the car was given to me as me helping out a my grandma freind find a car of his own. so he gave it to me. he said the car has been paid off a while ago but he was too lazy and old , he was in his 60’s and had the car for like 8 years or so and stop driving it about 3 years ago so the car has been at his sons house. he signed over the title and i told him to leave the date blank and do s reciept for me because i didnt want to have another car registered.


the camera phone picture does not do it justic…i will have some new one up in like 1 hr

just text me and let me know.

i have some serious plans for a honduh

Serious plans =/= d series


d series are slow b series :carnut but d series are way cheaper and can be pretty fast

hence the $30 dollar d16 I bought to rebuild next semester in engines class :slight_smile:

lol there nice i just have a thing for b series

lol this same Civic was on Craigslist 2 days ago but for $500 or best offer.

Pictures are up and its like 30 of them
i forgot to mention that picture of the muffler with the mid pipes that has clamps on it it has a exhaust leak

You should know the car was not running that why it was $500 even thought he told me it starts and run. and yes it is the same one. so i got it to run. now i invested my time and effort and why cant i ask what im asking?
I helped him find a car so my reward is this civic.

Well he deleted the most recent posting that was 500 or best offer but here is the other one from a week ago.


He said in there the engine still runs like a top. Why wasn’t it running? What did you fix?

He didnt tell me he owe anything…dam i guess i didnt see his first post. ill call the lien holder tomorrow and see what the deal is.
he said he was washing the engine bay like 3 hr before and when i came to see it it didnt start. So i know from bad experience when i washed my engine bay it doesnt always start the same day i wash it…soi waited blow out all the water in the engine bay let it dry up and it cranked right over. it ran alittle rough but so i noticed the timing was off alittle, so i corrected that. not it runs good.
So it was my luck that i got a good deal on the car and im giving someone a good deal.

i want the car :slight_smile:


someone should make a holland car out of this,.