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Lets brake the 118 record, lol :slight_smile:

You should be updating the > than thread instead of noticing this :slight_smile:

Maybe you should refresh your browser once in a while :noob:

BAH…it wasnt updated this afternoon.

On 2nd thought…go back to playing battlefield! Captain Seargent in Arms or whatever your rank is

2nd Lieutenant thank you very much.

I bet you and I could make this post 5 pages in no time…ready go…then people will take notice

everybody should look at my bye bye thread and cry :frowning:

maybe just a little tear?

You get out of here NANER NANER!

its cause of all the sweet videos from last nite :stuck_out_tongue:


Actually I heard its because not only did beck have sex…with a GIRL…but he may have proof in 9 mos. :omy:

in for the record

but it’s saddddddd :frowning:

You are saddening me…selling me a bunk watch with a dead battery…- 1 for you in the Trader Rating :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL… i told you it was dead before you bought it silly