I am parting out a 98 Spyder GS so I can do the GSX Swap into it. Not everything from the car is for sale, but if theres something you need that is not in the list let me know and I’ll see what I can do (its just the more i sell, the more i have to swap over from the GSX lol)
4G64 Engine. Doesn’t start (no spark) When it stopped running it had lifter tick. Block/Crank is still good if you’re looking at doing a 4g64+4g63 Head or 4g63 Stroker setup. Id also MUCH rather sell this as a long block.
4g64 NT Exhaust from headers back (stock)
Automatic transmission that was rebuilt 2500 miles before the engine decided to not start. Tranny was rebuilt at a shop out in Geneva. After reading, this transmission will work on any fwd 4g63/4g64 turbo/non turbo car, you just have to use your TC and a few other parts.
Gas Tank/pumps + filler neck
Rear Subframe. Everything from the awesome Drum Brakes (new) to the e brake cables.
Front Brake Calipers
Automatic brake/pedal, shifter assembly
Auto TCU
I also have parts from a 7 bolt 4g63 block that decided to grenade itself in a buddy’s driveway (cyl 1 shot rod knock turned into rod through the block and 1 dropped valve on cyl 1), so if you’re looking for something let me know (all sensors are still there, but the accessories/thermostat housing is gone)
Head is in perfect rebuild condition. Again, 1 valve dropped out but there was no piston to head contact
2g intake manifold
Injectors + Fuel rail (GSX 450cc injectors, may need new o rings)
2g exhaust manifold
2g t25 turbo, no shaft play.
That’s all I can think of that I won’t need off of the Spyder, but again if you’re looking for something specific let me know!
I am looking for a few DSM parts myself, so if you have any of the following let me know if your interested in a trade, or what you want for them:
2G 95-96 AWD 5 Speed Tranny
AWD MT Starter
You can either email (mkemodz at gmail dot com) or pm me if you want anything or have any questions . Email is probably going to be the easiest way to get a hold of me.