98GSXR600 FS

Hi guys and galls. Never thought that this day would come… But I have one too many bikes and i think im getting old because cruisers are now comfortable for me…
Some of you have seen this bike, and some of you havent.

Anyway, here is the CL add. I believe that summs it all up. The price is $3200.00 obo. As always im open to interesting full or partial trades, but cash is king. I will also be including a shitload of extras with the bike.

you can reach me via PM on here or cell at 716-6zero1-five6one1.


Make me a reasonable offer boys and girls… Worse I can do is say no.

I do like it but my bike days are over for now.

Yeah… I’m definitely gonna miss it… Kinda in the fence between selling the cruiser or the Gixxer at the moment actually lol.

Cruisers are for old men and dikes.

Well… Im early 30’s, a male, and I love a good vertical smile… Not sure where that puts me. O a side note. Cruisers could also be for men that are tired of getting their junk crushed up against a tank :wink:

Riding a sport bike is like sex. If you’re not experiencing a little genital discomfort, you’re probably not having as much fun as you should.

Quoted. Well said.

Well shit… When a man is right, a man is right.

To the top. Price is OBO. Need the space


give into temptation :wink:
Went for a spin around the block before my flight this morning. I’m very surprised I haven’t taken this add down yet lol.

Make some offers boys and girls. Really don’t want to store it.

Honestly this bike is worth 2 g’s. I’m selling my 06 cbr for 3 grand. Sorry dude, it’s a crotch rocket.

Eh… Would rather not store it but if I have to then I will. Again… The price is OBO. Considering what people are asking for shit on here I’m kinda surprised at the backlash.

don’t take it too personal, he does that on almost every single motorcycle ad like he owns KBB.com or something.

I’m not at all. I’ve posted my share of similar comments.

Tell me that I’m wrong when the bike is still sitting here in the NYSpeed FS Forum in the year 2015. K thanks.

Please stop shitting on my FS thread UB. People seem to not have an issue selling 20 year old Honda on here for ridiculous prices so shit… I’ll overprice my bike a little to keep the dreamers and tire kickers away. The price is OBO since you seem to keep missing that part.

2500 as advertised. Price will only go up come spring.