99 dodge neon custom turbo help

Never mod your only car in such a drastic manner. If you need a platform to learn on you might want to consider picking up an older 80s-90s turbo car as they tend to be very cheap to pick up.

Such as:
-Any 2.2 or 2.5 Turbo Dodge
-Probe GTs

As well as a few other easy to mod cars with no resale value. That can be picked up for a few hundred dollars.

If you are still hell bent on boosting your only car. Then I’d suggest finding the book Maximum Boost by Corky Bell, it has a ton of helpful information on this topic.

It’s not quite as simple as tossing it on and going, there is a lot of work involved that needs a lot or research. As for that turbo/manifold you posted, if it’s made with quality parts it would do the trick as you don’t really need a large turbo to start off. Price seems about average for what it comes with, but as for the quality it’s hard to based on pictures.

But honestly you need to do more research not just on how to turbo the car, but what the car’s limits are.