99 dodge neon custom turbo help

(if this is the wrong forum sry)

my friend cky89 referred me here…im looking to make a custom turbo for my neon(99).the man reason is because i dont want to spend 3000 on a kit.basically from what i know i need:

TURBO manifold
boost controller
Piping(I would have to customize but a good site to buy from would be appreciated)
MS or volt clamp
and all the small parts

(if theres any other parts i forgot,please let me know)

if u need more info let me know,any help would be appreciated…the main thing i need help with is finding the parts,please give me links to online stores…im looking for cheap(like everyone wants) but not cheap shitty,not top of the line but not ripoff glued turbos

this is the best kit(and one of only two) ive found off ebay but im not sure:

i have researched and looked around and this is where it has got me,so please don’t tell me to research when im not sure of where to go.


intercoolers on ebay are like 130 with shipping and some ive seen on websites are like 235,so are the ebay ones crap?and also with wastegates are around 235-250 is there a normal price?

would this be a good start:http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=180080155506&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=008

it says about 100 HP,i would like a little more so what should i do?

how mcuh can the stock internals run? theres a built neon block with lots of spares on this board… just so u know

i dont know what you mean by that,im only 17 i only know the basics about cars

lol…is this your only car?


Never mod your only car in such a drastic manner. If you need a platform to learn on you might want to consider picking up an older 80s-90s turbo car as they tend to be very cheap to pick up.

Such as:
-Any 2.2 or 2.5 Turbo Dodge
-Probe GTs

As well as a few other easy to mod cars with no resale value. That can be picked up for a few hundred dollars.

If you are still hell bent on boosting your only car. Then I’d suggest finding the book Maximum Boost by Corky Bell, it has a ton of helpful information on this topic.

It’s not quite as simple as tossing it on and going, there is a lot of work involved that needs a lot or research. As for that turbo/manifold you posted, if it’s made with quality parts it would do the trick as you don’t really need a large turbo to start off. Price seems about average for what it comes with, but as for the quality it’s hard to based on pictures.

But honestly you need to do more research not just on how to turbo the car, but what the car’s limits are.

i understane what u mean,even if i read the book and know everything about turbos i dont know where to get the darn parts,ive heard of that book b4 but it doesnt say where to buy the parts.i would read up when i have the parts,once i do the guys at neons.org could help me,i would also put it together on the floor first if and things like mounting the intercooler first so if i need to break it will still be drivable.

Also is this a SOHC or DOHC engine that you have. I’m assuming SOHC based on the above eBay post. From the sounds of things you have a lot more that you need to learn about this before trying to do this.

I’d strongly advise against doing this to your only car.

yes SOHC,and like ive said i cant find anything else about it,and what would happen to my car given its put on right?

if ur getting at i dont know how to put it together,heres what i know.

i have and know how to get the piping fitted.
i know what the turbo,intercooler,wastegate,boost cotroller,manifold do and are for…i know where to put all the parts together(minus exact fitting in engine bay)
if any has pictures or videos of installing one then they can post it,but i still would like to know where to get the parts…worst comes to worst,i get the stuff and cant do it all so i buy the book,or get it installed…

I’ve been down the turbo neon road. If you plan on doing a cheap build, it wont work. Also, no matter what, its goign to break alot. Think this out alot, if you really want to do this. Also, check out www.neons.org. It is the best neon modding site out there.

And the engine they were refering too, I believe was mine, and its sold. So is everything else I was selling, big turbo, standalone computer, manifold, intercooler, piping, blow off valve, etc… You will need it all, eventually. Just play it smart, and do the research. Not here, join the neon boards, where people know more about the specifics.


i have they are no help to me,where exactly would this reasearch be and about what ive been told every part down to the bolts that i need,yet noone is telling me where to get the peices,can u just tell me where i can find the parts?and ok if i isnt gunna be cheap w/e i just need the parts

There are forums called “engine swap” and “force induction”. They have sticky’s with the entire parts list, and where to get them. And use the search feature. I know you are young, but you wont find anyone doing the swap for you. It will take tons of research, and time planning.


yea i was referring to marks motor… sorry dude… if u wanna go cheap… pick a different platform lol… glwt build…

if ur referring to the neons.org stickies in forced induction,it does show the simple list,which is were i got the parts from ,but not where to buy them.

buy a honda and boost it. hondas are easy to learn on and are pretty reliable. i believe ZeroDaze wrote a thread on here somewhere how to boost a honda like step by step almost. and i think all said and done it turned out to be pretty cheap.

dude nobody is gona hold you hand thu this.
Stop asking here, you’ve already been told were to find it yourself.

Also a “FWIW” If this is ur only car…ur gonna be without it for a loooooooooooooooooooooooong time if u dont know where to buy anything. It would be alot easier to buy a kit. There’s a reason why “kits” are expensive aaaand there’s a reason why people are willing to pay it.



ok show me where they told me to buy the stuff,i dont see a link?

im not asking for a step by step process im asking for parts

and buying honda and turbo would cost just as much as buying the turbo kit for the neon.