99FRC vs Modded W/W EVO X

Ok well then there is no point because motor for motor your car is slightly faster than mine.

He will have to wait a few weeks ; )

Do what ya gotta do man, hope it’s atleast heads and a cam…


Heads and cam I will be in the 11’s. What does your car run? I didn’t know we had an Evo on this forum that runs 11’s.

the car went 12.98 bone stock. i’m not sure what it will run, maybe a 12.5? if you are gonna be runnin 11s you’ll mop me right up

:rofl alotta playin going on in here…

99frc, member “BURNALL4” went 11.2 @ 120 with i/e/tune/cams with his Evo IX…just FYI.

Sooo let’s get this dig & 20 roll going.

youre barelly in the 12s now, so lets get this clutch, t00n and some tires on it and see what it does.

99frc your wasting your time until you slap some spray on it or some head+cam work

Lol@ underestimating the evo’s

I dont, they’re nasty. Doesn’t mean I like them btw.

ive personally watched a 2006 Evolution GSR go 11.9 @ 112 with just a email flash and a turbo back exhaust, stock Advan tires, stock clutch(which was hammered after this track day)

sorry adam but pete’s evo has this wrapped up…

and if he shows up on E85, I would just turn around and go home LOL

So why the call out then? If he knows his car is that much faster as well as everyone else, what is the point of racing at all? He traps higher and has AWD so from a dig or roll, dosen’t matter, I will lose.

^ Cuz thats Pete :lol

chase is a race… get your t00n and see what happens. you never know if you dont race. ive run cars that should have beaten me based off previous events and paper, and i still pulled through. though i dont do much racing these days for the sheer lack of a car to race in :frowning:

True. My best trap right now is 113 with no tune and I am throwing a couple of things on the car before the tune.

If I can get my trap closer to 115 ill run Pete.

sounds good man 20-120 and i’ll be on 93oct.

20 roll :rofl

same race he gave to the x, so it’ll be fair brany

ok ok. 20 roll is srs in your favor big head