all dig runs. sti was spinning???:ponder sti jumped a bit and i fell asleep then he missed 5th i bogged, still came around
windows were down, thats the sound is 
i’d like to get some rolls on video aswell.:thumbup
Nice races, but for the love of god roll up the windows, or pull the camera in more lol.
if it was a rolly windows wouldve been up. i had to hear him count.
Pete this wasnt taken with the good camera was it?
it was but the sound is very touchy. i gotta figure something out.
Pete you gotta upgrade to a better camera
take some foam and tape it around/over the mic. i have some good foam from my TiAL BOV that would work really well. its sort of dense but still soft.
Ive recommended this before as well…
good deal i will try it. i think i still have the foam from my tial w/g somewhere.
I farted in a ziploc bag and mailed it to Oprah.
the windnoise is PAINFUL lmao
and 3 honks would have been much easier, i dunno whose idea it was for me to yell 1 2 3 go :lol
pretty sure it was your idea :rofl
Stock untuned Evo’s make me sad.
Come to think of it…so do Suby’s with STI swaps.
so this is a pretty depressing thread for ya, eh?