A better beater... no five six, kay?

Decided i didn’t wan’t an evo. I got nearly 1000 off invoice, 18 free synthetic dealer oil changes (i pay $35.00 to DIY so this is worth over 600 bucks) and tires at cost for life.

My pics suck, lazie had the tripod, his pics are prolly better.

you got ANOTHER new vehicle??? WTF!!! lol nice choice though … AGAIN

Ahahaha, knew you couldn’t stay way from the land of the subie. Definatly hot. :tup:

wow… i would have never thought you would have went with the blue… you hate blue sti’s with the gold wheels… or so you said… eh cant pass up a nice deal… nice car btw!

gonna change the oil on this one?

i bet a 32" lcd tv would look sweet in the trunk…

nice buy :tup:

good looks


so you mean to tell me that you now have an elise AND a brand new Sti. Dude you must be whoring yourself or selling organs on the blackmarket. Or you have a superb job. Either way congrats on the purchases that I can only hope to make one day :headbang:

hey whos the guy fuckin the wooden indian in that 2nd pic?? lol

o don’t jump on the back and try to rip the spoiler off of this one, saw you doin that the one night at bao :rofl:

another one???

how long before this one develops a knock? :lol:

ur funny

Dont tell me you gave up the civic for that:retard:

Nice color BTW

nice car, i like the color.


you fucking astound me…seriously…

IMO i liked the charcoal one better…i still am not a huge fan of the hawkeye yet…

but i cant believe you got another car…let alone another STi…

i got a bet saying this one won’t last 2 years in your garage…probably more like one…

btw, god speed if you hit snow with those tires…

how are those tires in the snow??

lol its his beater, its not going to ever see a garage

i drove through a 1/4 of a winter on those tires… after being used for a HARD season. They were almost completely bald. I may keep the civic too. i haven’t decided.