A better beater... no five six, kay?

You’re my hero.

good lord

I hate that front end :frowning:

i’m torn about it. sometimes i like it. sometimes i hate it, eitehr way, it’s just for scooting around town.

[00:18] hypeville: did you jump it yet?!

^hahaha :wink:

im so jealous of you, you buy every car i could only dream of even test driving, and you are sexy enough to attract any sex of any species. what the hell do you do for a living? i want in on that job lol

hahahahahah. im an engineer. go to school kids (but don’t go to accounting school if you want cars. then you wont be stupid enough to get them.)

im in the architecture program at UB, i only hope in a few years i can drive an evo as my “beater”

icy hot :tup:

wow nice beater yoo

nice… ur job must pay super good

Soooo does this mean you won’t beat the ever living piss out of it and you are going to change the oil?
I like the way those look.

Nice car but, be careful I heard those engines blow.:wink:


somday, i’ll be an engineer…

So now you’ve got 3 cars, unless the 240 parts bin hasn’t left yet in which case 4… The Elise feels left out without a turbo…


anyone can have stuff like this. Just need to decied on how much debt you want.

Nice pick up, I liked your black one better only cause I hate the new front ends.


i heard he got an A in math so his parents got it for him.