A better beater... no five six, kay?


(i wasn’t feeling the evo…)

A guy with this many sweet cars must have a kick ass house. Let’s see some PICS!!


:tup: Who wants to take bets on how long the Elise lasts?

:rofl: That’s pretty funny!!

lol. all i have is this cherry joint:

I like where i live alot.

jager beat me to it, the smart thing to do is BUY A HOUSE. that way u can house all your lil minions and they can pay your mortgage.
and buy a bed too ya bum…

i cant believe you got that…
guess you werent kidding the other day…
what made you get that instead of the Lexus or MR ?
nice buy for sure though :tup:

stop with the damn cars :lol:

i will slap you with your own damn mittens

as far as a house. that doesn’t interest me right now for a whole variety of reasons. But i am sure it will. Seems like a natural shift from being into a car to being into a house. But right now, i’m not ready yet. I am used to trading/liquidating vehicles, so when the time comes i will downgrade my car and upgrade where i park it.

newman i could use a new car…wanna help a bro out…all i want is a Sentra SE-R Spec V…

You car whore

sales mans name was Matt Sims. He is a younger dude and pretty cool. The sales manager “Chuck” can really work some shit out tho. BUt if you go, see matt and tell him i sent you.

Welcome to the Hawkeye club. Hated by everyone who doesn’t drive one.

that’s one hell of a winter bomber. :tup: how do you house all your cars?

you’re a fuckin’ crazy SOB newman, but you’ve got damn good taste in rides :smiley: /me jealous.

nice car.

it’s a a shame that they don’t make STIs in red…


paint it



