A better beater... no five six, kay?

pig snout, get it right. Congrats newman, you have more fun with your money than anyone I know.

If you can swing it, :tup:
Can’t wait till I get out of school

Dood, you’re in college and you have an STi!?? I think that’s a bit more rediculous than Newman having all his toys…

^ haha word. i had a siiiiq chevy celebrity through almost my entire college career.

good choice… :tup: :slight_smile:

funny… I remember you having a turbo maxima :lol:

notice i said almost. I got the maxima because i had an engineering intern job senior year.

sorry tot ax on your gig.

Then the best car evar…until u sold it…lets have Krylon party like SCC did with their STI…except red not flat black

Pontiac 6000 baby!!

I should have my own place to live :frowning: That will come soon, I just opted for a car first.

No!!! Pig snouts aren’t hot.

for those who remember the eclipse blur EVO IX MR thread:

^ hehehehe

The hoodscoop is much less massive… better front fascia aerodynamics?

probably the only person on here who remembers that thing. and remembers that you almost killed me and an african american boy with it lol. wow that was a while ago.

and i like where we live. except for when the roof leaks hahah.

now lets go jump some railroad tracks.

Subaru, through changing the front end, was able to route air towards the scoop better so the larger one used to cool the charge in the 04-05 STi was no longer needed.

not gonna lie, i like the bigger one.

Yeah they made it small like the 02-03 wrx, the 04 wrx was even bigger than the new one. Subaru just needs to get with the program and go front mount.

One of the dealers I spoke to was poopooing the Evo because it had a front mount. He said that you get cooler air with a top mount because its not picking up heat from the sun beating down on the road. I see some logic there, but what about the sun beating on the hood, and engine heat.

lol. i think he is an idiot. ever see when they do the smokestream tests in aero tunnels? they hold it right near the road, and most of it goes up over the hood and roof. so you are still getting alot of the same air. however, the idea that the hood will be as hot as the road is not true, because there is a steady supply of cooling air rushing over it, whereas the road the air is not moving nearly as much (just breezes and such)