A better beater... no five six, kay?

A TMIC has many more benefits in mud and dirt

No I wasn’t implying that the hood would be as hot as the road, but the addition of heat rising through the hood and into the scoop might negate some of the benefit. I dunno for sure.
Like I said, the dealer told me this and I just changed the subject. I can’t stand when I know someone has no idea what they are talking about and it takes a lot of self control to not call them out.

Aftermarket ginormous scoop

ehhh. i am gonna try and avoid buying performance/aestetic parts for the sti. oh, and the elise too…


Do it!!!

So who you gonna hire to drive all your whips to meets lol

probably some hot girls.

dude. that scared the shit out of me. punk asses, get off my car. that lady thought we beat him up because he was black. roffle.

umm wow.
so jealous of your parking lot.
and i wasn’t at all until you got the sti like it was nothing.
i’m in the wrong income bracket.


Anyone can afford any car they wanted. Just take out a loan. He’s an engineer and im an engineer. Some people have other priority over the other. Finish school and find a good job and you’re set.

meh, the front ends are ugly. there is something about it that makes me want to punch you (you being newman) :slight_smile:

yeah im pretty sure that if i wanted to bad enough I could go finance a new porsche, but I dont like being $80k in debt…

whatever floats your boat though

front end has grown on me…nice selection :tup:

I am going to bet that newman doesnt make much more than I do… and I could not in any way afford those cars without going MASSIVELY into debt.

But hey, if he doesnt care, more power to him… and in all honesty, who the fuck cares how he affords them.

Although newman doesnt drink, which automatically accounts for at least one of the cars… lol.

I belive the top reason for the TMIC is if the car is ever involved in a front end colision… or in the rally world, hits a rock or something hard, they dont have to worry about replacing the front mount intercooler.

For instance… you rearend somone doing 10 mph…in a sti you have to maybe replace the front bumper…but ina srt-4 you have to replace the bumper and the intercooler…which racks up alot more money!!!

A front mount would add a lot of cost onto the car, and it is simply unneeded for the power that the STi puts out. Thats why they stay with top mount style IC’s.

how do u feel about that jetski standing straight up right next to teh bed…what would happen if that thing fell lmao, that would suck

it’s very secure.

You are probably in the same one I am - and it’s just the area we live in :slight_smile:

That or we have other things to do with the money, like buy a house. :frowning:

House in 1 year… hopefully…

Nice purchase Newman

yeah i’ve been saving up for a house and definately have enough to have almost any car i could want but 2 or 3 of them like newman? i dunno.
i think i give up. i’m just going to get a luxury apartment in manhattan and live it up. you only live once.

i say ditch that horrendous looking scoop as well as the massive spoiler and that thing on the totp of the window. I like clean looking scoobies soooooooooo much better.