A better beater... no five six, kay?

damn dude… I’m jelous… I need a better paying job. Does your company use Unigraphics by any chance? they need any help? :smiley:

Derrick pays very well. Newman do you work FOR Ron Schiller?

no. we have the same boss.

Isn’t he the head of R&D? I know he makes a pretty penny there even though he refuses to tell us what it actually is

every time i see something like this i want to spend my house money. but i try to hold true, i try to justify it to myself. its so hard though

so i try to pacify myself with cheap cars, and have a ton of then.

nice buy. maybe i’ll pick it up from ya when you sell it cheap ina year.

if you are planning on buying a house. then don’t get a car. if i wanted a house, then i would concern myself with that…

Yeah a house is a much better investment but if he’s happy where he’s at then thats all that really matters. Sometimes I think about doing something retarded like buying a G35 for a daily but then I know I would have to put my house plans on hold for a bit longer, and thats not something i wanna do. Ill just keep rockin the prizm with spinnaz for a DD and get the G35 once the house is built. :smiley:

Specific reason I bought the s2000

I can still save for a house, and have fun while doing so in the stook. :smiley:

Post your resume up on monster. Get out of Buffalo. There’re better job opportunities outside of Buffalo, that’s if you’re willing to relocate.

Mind telling me where you work at newman? Calspan ? Moog ?

I did that actually about a year ago… (added to it that I’m willing to relocate) and go figure, I’ve gotten a few offers, but either their no good (making more now) or want me to use another kind of software I’m not good in, thus defeating the purpose of them hiring me in the first place lol

I still get a few a month… hopefully with any luck, eventually I’ll get something good :frowning:

edit: o/t we’re doing some side work for moog right now… wish I was hired on full time thru them though. Overtime up the ass

Werd. Smart man. Howie you ever consider building out there? Finding a good lot somewhere in the burbs and jst building the house that you want? The more i Look into it, the more i think i will just wait a bit longer to buy a nice property and then build a house exactly as i envision it.

But anyways,I did the same with the cobra, except the cobra cost a bit more then i really wanted to spend, but I knew it was now or never to buy the car i wanted new from the factory. I dont regret it at all, but I think of the money i spent to buy the car, the money i spent on mods and tires n shit. And uh yeah that works out to 50k that could have been put towards a house. But IMO you have to try to maintain a balance between being responsible and thinking ahead with a house and all that stuff, and just enjoying life and having fun so youre not mad stressed from thinking about all that responsible BS. I think Newman cares more about having fun right now then anything, and theres nothing wrong with that as long as he doesnt totally screw himself for the long term in the future. :tup:

I wouldn’t do a new build under 6K sq. ft…(read as: I see no reason to build new unless you’re building a large home)

why? so you can be a baller?

6k is pretty big.

i live in a 4.5k SF house and its too fucking big.

I’m impressed.

No, I mean if you’re going to go through the effort of a new build, might as well make it worth it IMO…I’m just saying, if you’re going to find a lot, hire an architect, and do all the other fucking shit you have to do to build a house…I guess I don’t see that being worth it for a medium sized home…esp since so many have been built in the last 20 years…and I think you’d be hard pressed to do something practical with 3K sq. ft. that hasn’t been done already. New builds are a fucking ordeal.

so there

More sq. footage = more shit to clean :tdown:

meh, you make it sound like size is the most important aspect of a house. Maybe if you have like 7 kids. We recently built, and it wasnt nearly the hassle you make it out to be. Granted our house is also cookie cutter to the extreme…

Which isn’t what I’m talking about

See I’m a fan of huge open rooms…I like 10K sq ft homes w/ 3 bedrooms. Flowing floorplans. Just about as far away from a cookie cutter design as you can get. Which is why I said I wouldn’t build unless it was a big house, just personal preference.

More to heat
more to cool
more to pay taxes on (thank you NY)
more to furnish
more to maintain
more to insure