A better beater... no five six, kay?

LOL at all the haters. Everyone has different priorities. When you can’t afford everything you have to choose. Some want to live in a nice place. Some want to drive nice cars. Some want to travel. Some want to wear top labels, drink top shelf, and enjoy top hookers.

None the less, this thread is financially inspiring! :stuck_out_tongue: Now that I’ve got my engineering career off the ground I’m getting sick of not being able to swing my mortgage and have enough money left over to put an exhaust on my VR6. I’ll stick where I am for around another year, then possibly switch to Praxair or someplace else like that with more potential. What a shame that my fiance’s next door neighbor is the engineering manager at Praxair! :smiley:

Then I suppose everyone should live in a 1 bdrm apt…

Yeah lets go from one extreme to the other.
I would expect nothing less from you Joe.:smash2:

you dont at all need 10k, 6k or even 4k to have an open floor plan. Check back later, when I get home from work ill post some pics of some smaller homes that will surprise you. Its all about maximizing the efficiency of the given square footage.

edit: I know you werent talking about cookie cutter :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: why the hell not, cookie cutter can be good too. Ill show you some killer examples of homes made with pre-fab elements that youll be quite surprised with…

not such a big deal when your old man is a contractor and your uncle is an architect.

(edited for grammer, and its probably still wrong)

its not a big deal at all if you get the right architect. If you hire some schmo then youll have problems…

You’re talking about a million dollar mortgage in Buffalo, if not more. As I understand it, you usually you don’t do everything on your own. Rather, you would work with a home builder and then let them handle the hog. But it sounds like you’ve got higher aspirations than a typical new home though. I’ll consider building my next house if finances allow, but it will probably be 2000-2500 square feet, 4 bedroom, 3 full bath, 4 car garage, on a nice lot in a nice area.

Damn it would be nice to not have to worry about replacing the roof in the coming years and adding a ridge vent, inspecting the chimney, replacing old windows, replacing old doors, adding a fan to the downstairs bathroom, running a gas line to the house and converting the furnace/hot water tank/dryer, regrading the back yard so it drains properly, etc etc etc. Dammit homeownership is a pain in the ass. I’m gonna sell the house and buy cars. I think Newman’s on to something. There’s only a finite amount of shit that can go wrong with a car, compared to the seemingly infinite problems a home can have.

Fuck Houses, buy Commercial.

To hell with the suburbs too…

sure cause commercial is cheap…in the city, and oh yeah, city schools are just wonderful :roll2: and not where I would want to raise kids.

About 600-700K for a 6K in Suburbs…I guess it’s just my personal opinion that I would rather build new only if it was a big custom house…for a 2K-3K sq. ft home building design hasn’t changed enough in the last 15 years (my uncles 3 yr old house doesn’t have any different build style than my parents 12 yr old house) to really make me think a new build of a “catalog” house is really worth it…just my opinion though

You can’t say building big is bad b/c of heating costs…if you can afford the house you can afford to heat it.

I’ve seen some amazing custom pre-fab houses, but they cost similar to building a bigger house. (I saw a pre fab designer 2000 sq ft home for 380K) I’m saying in general terms. Doing a new build of a 2500 sq ft suburban home isn’t going to end up with a much different result than buying a house built in the same area in 95 I guess is my point. I guess it’s just my nature to not do something custom unless you’re going to DO SOMETHING CUSTOM. Or unless you get a sick deal.

Like I said, I’m impressed with your money.

Did I say I’m building a new house fuckwad? No, you know why? B/c I can’t afford build a 6K+ sq ft. house. I said that I personally wouldn’t do a new build unless it was going to be a big house…then I said the reasons I wouldn’t.

On the topic of the thread - Newman, your new car is slow

Here is a little info I have picked up while looking into building.
In this area (WNY) the average cost to build is about $125/sqft.

Thats nothing extraordinary, just the average cost to build.

On the other hand, here’s another way to think about it. Say you pay $600K for a 6k sq. foot house in Buffalo, take that money to alot of other areas, i.e. Atlanta, California, Florida, etc. and you’ll buy yourself an fuckin shanty. If I’m staying in Buffalo, why not go big if I’ve got the money? Property is cheap as fuck here compared to other places.

  • cost of lot


WTF?!!?!?!?!?! how the fuck did this thread turn into what it is now??


:tdown: to hijackers…let alone totally OT hijackers…

:lockd: ?

why in the fuck we are talking about houses?

this thread would only be locked if i was part of the drama, and it would only be locked by itagaki or RX3.