A Global Warming Thread for Jeg

Nope, spiritually is not the same as religion. However, every once in a great while one or two people might consider them somewhat slightly related. :cjerk:

All I was saying is that while you’re claiming that we’re entering into some new era of science taking place of spirituality, I was pointing out that the same thing has been happening for thousands of years, and the same thing will continue to happen for thousands of years.

And that doesn’t exactly counter my point that we should be skeptic of the science because of the political involvement. Politics said Galileo’s theory was wrong, and politics was wrong. Politics says the earth is going to be a dutch oven tomorrow so we better elect the candidate that is going to be the toughest on greenhouse emissions, so maybe politics is wrong again? Unless I’m mistaken about what happened when we found out we weren’t the center of the universe. I’m going off memory from high school history. I don’t have cable, but I would have liked to see whatever show you mentioned. :slight_smile:

Whatever. Back to global warming:

I’m hoping that natural selection takes care of this before we do cook ourselves, if that’s truly the path we’re headed down. What I mean by that is there’s a finite amount of oil in our planet. Sooner or later we’re going to start running out and the price of it is going to skyrocket, and that will finally motivate us to make use of renewable resources. That might be happening right now. Heh, actually this is could make for a doubly relavent example. If you look at this, it looks like we’re just about out of oil, which would be great in the long term:

However, if you look farther we might be out of oil or there might be other forces at work and we’ve got plenty:

Same idea for global warming. We might be about to turn Anchorage into the newest tropical beach resort city, or this might be something normal.

Either way, I think we’re probably right but we might be wrong and I hope we are. Either way, I hope we find something to compell us to do something that results in energy independence. And that’s about all I care to say about global warming.