A Global Warming Thread for Jeg

The whole issue that global warming is too politicized to conceive can be applied to almost any research on any facade of science. I hardly see where that becomes a point of reflection since it’s at the top of a big, bad politically driven heap of research topics. We’re entering an age where science is taking the place of spirituality, and it’s a very dangerous road to be traveling down. I’m glad somebody proved the point that Global Warming is an issue that’s blatantly politicized and therefore tainted, but the underlying issue is that people are accepting things that are a little less obviously driven by a certain group.


Meh. That’s what they said about Galileo’s heliocentric theory.

This is hilarious! First you state that global warming is politicized. I point out that research is politicized in general. Then you counter your own point with a factual statement full of ignorance (spirituality is not the same as religion).

Anyway, the real point was that putting faith into science is about as much as a threat to us as it was for Galileo having his fellow citizen’s blindly following Catholocism. I can watch The History Channel just as well as you can, ;). (and it was a very interesting issue!).

I suppose I should say that science is taking the place of religion as far as spirituality is concerned. Neither is a good thing.

That’s crazy talk.

Except for that whole scientific research that goes through coming up with the theories vs the paranoia driven clergymen that can’t get thier heads out of thier asses. Your absolutly correct. :bloated:

Believing in anything blindly is dangerous. I don’t know why I am bothering to attempt to explain this because the majority of people will believe anything they are told. The only difference is that today people believe anything coming out of a research institution rather than The Church. One thing that makes science so wonderful is the ability to question it without being stoned to death. If it’s not held to the same standard of questioning as it always has then we risk giving people the power to say and do anything.

Curiousity is healthy. I’m very happy that my point is being stoned here. It’s very, very Catholic-era of you. :wink:

because if it happens at a slower rate we can better prepair for it. at the rate its warming now we are SOL, millions and millions will die from the heat; you can see examples on a smaller scale of that every summer from people dying from the heat. take a look at what happened in europe a few years ago when they had that huge heat wave, i think it was something like 3000 died or maybe it was 1500 i cant remember. and what is going to happen when it gets hot people are going to be constantly running their A/C’s to stay cool putting even more co2 emisions in the air, we are just going to bake ourselves to death.

not only that costal lanscapes are going to change drastically from the 20+feet rise in sea level putting many cities under water. not only will costal landscapes change but you will see deserts turn from sand to grassy land and vice versa. u can see this starting to happen on parts of india

Not really. If governments and people actually wanted to take care of the problem it can be handled. but they dont, so they wont. Plus in those heat waves, who made up the vast majority of the people dying? Old people who are living well beyond what they should because of technology. Not trying to be a heartless dick, but humans were not made to live as long as people are now adays.

not only that costal lanscapes are going to change drastically from the 20+feet rise in sea level putting many cities under water. not only will costal landscapes change but you will see deserts turn from sand to grassy land and vice versa. u can see this starting to happen on parts of india

So, cities can just do what New Orleans did.

And as for the grass land and deserts, again, that is going to happen with or without human activity, the only thing that changes is how fast it happens.

A lot of people fail to realize that coastal areas have been changing for millions of years. Grass lands have been turning into deserts for millions of years. Hell, most of the US was a giant ice sheet not all that long ago.

But because we have settled here we now thing the planet should just stay right the way it is, because NYC and Miami are on the coast, and that’s where we want them. :eyebrow:

Trust me, the forces that created the himalayas and caused ice on the peaks in the Sahara don’t give a shit that humans are no longer willing to migrate.

You could turn off all CO2 output tomorrow and as the report says, this warming may very well continue. A better use of funds might be figuring out how we’re going to deal with a major population shift now that country borders are so well established.

Who’s up for invading Canada, assuming we don’t reach some loop state where the warming causes a huge cooling in the US. And if that happens, who’s up for invading Mexico? Half of them have snuck over here already, so there can’t be that many people left. :lol:

well of course the weaker of the human race (young children and the elderly) is going to die out first, thats survival of the fittest. and no thats not true that the government dont want to take care of it. we didnt learn about this untill the 1970’s so 30+ years is not that much to know how to make a difference when we still dont fully understand what is going on. but if we had more time technology would advance, we would have a better understanding of what is going on and with that understand and technology we might be able to do something about it.

also its not just the rate that is changing its the amount of increase in temperature too. the earth has never been so warm

lol ahhaha. well… Canada is US Jr. and Mexia is the US’s bitch, so its a win win situation lol.

You couldnt be more wrong. The earth has been way hotter then this before and multipule times. Like i said already, it used to be as hot as miami up in the artic.

hey report that the Eocene’s atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration was greater than 1,125 parts per million (ppm) by volume. Today’s levels are only about 380 ppm, but that number is up from an estimated 280 parts per million before the industrial revolution.

4 times the CO2 used to be in the air. So we are not nearly as warm as this planet has been in the past.

Nope, spiritually is not the same as religion. However, every once in a great while one or two people might consider them somewhat slightly related. :cjerk:

All I was saying is that while you’re claiming that we’re entering into some new era of science taking place of spirituality, I was pointing out that the same thing has been happening for thousands of years, and the same thing will continue to happen for thousands of years.

And that doesn’t exactly counter my point that we should be skeptic of the science because of the political involvement. Politics said Galileo’s theory was wrong, and politics was wrong. Politics says the earth is going to be a dutch oven tomorrow so we better elect the candidate that is going to be the toughest on greenhouse emissions, so maybe politics is wrong again? Unless I’m mistaken about what happened when we found out we weren’t the center of the universe. I’m going off memory from high school history. I don’t have cable, but I would have liked to see whatever show you mentioned. :slight_smile:

Whatever. Back to global warming:

I’m hoping that natural selection takes care of this before we do cook ourselves, if that’s truly the path we’re headed down. What I mean by that is there’s a finite amount of oil in our planet. Sooner or later we’re going to start running out and the price of it is going to skyrocket, and that will finally motivate us to make use of renewable resources. That might be happening right now. Heh, actually this is could make for a doubly relavent example. If you look at this, it looks like we’re just about out of oil, which would be great in the long term:

However, if you look farther we might be out of oil or there might be other forces at work and we’ve got plenty:

Same idea for global warming. We might be about to turn Anchorage into the newest tropical beach resort city, or this might be something normal.

Either way, I think we’re probably right but we might be wrong and I hope we are. Either way, I hope we find something to compell us to do something that results in energy independence. And that’s about all I care to say about global warming.

James your graph has a big black BLOB in the middle. That must be a Chevrolet Tahoe!

We should be skeptic of all information. Simply stating that it was concluded by scientific theory shouldn’t be accepted as proof. It’s not much better than saying, “That’s how mother nature intended it!” Of course, we have some people in this thread claiming that we shouldn’t be concerned about the earth getting warmer even if we haven’t caused it.

Why does this have to be an absolute? Why can’t there be a handful of contributing factors? Just because the sun has a variance in activity does not mean that our emissions cannot cause a rise in the earth’s temperatures. It’s terrible logic.

I have posted the same graph somewhere on here before

Just so you know the prices are real not nominal, before anyone starts bitching

There are tons of factors that lead to climate change other then global warming. So much that we cant even measure the true effect of global warming. were going to run out of fuel in the next 50 years neways. The world will end one day. Im not worried about it, especially siince i see nuclear war taking us out before that shit.

More fuel for the fire…

The Denial Machine:

Good video :tup:

I just want to make it clear my stand point on all of this, because i think some people have the wrong idea of what i think about it.

I 100% believe greenhouse gases produced by humans is increasing the rate at which the earth is warming up. I am not sure if that really is a bad thing, since its not like we are warming the earth to a leave that has not been seen before. Also, i wouldnt doubt it that we have already passed the threshold for stopping what we started. I.E. if we stop all emmisions right now, the earth will still heat up at a faster rate. So unless we figure away to remove the greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, we are dicked no matter what.