A Global Warming Thread for Jeg

Seriously, if I were motivated enough, I’d become a scientist and invent a machine that could convert co2 into o2 by the trillions of tons.

Having billions of dollars would be fine with me.

<- really curious how you are going to break two double bonds and rejoin them in an efficient way

:word: ya it can be done, but the key part is doing it efficiently.

“god” already figured that way out…they are called plants.

and by ‘god’ I mean plant life evolved to have the ability to take CO2 out of hte air and make it useful, because back when ‘god’ created the earth in 7 days, it was still a hot rock covered in lava and a much higher percentage of the atmosphere was CO2

mmm yeah and where do they get their initial energy from?

Mr. Sunshine.



25million bucks to help the problem

Interperet as you wish:

Oh, and yeah goober I agree that everything should be studied objectively and we don’t necessarily need conclusive proof of global warming to act as if it were happening. Just playing devil’s advocate…

We’re doomed. I’m going off my diet because in 5 years we’re all going to be cooked to death anyway.


you diet



I just stopped by this thread to make a couple of statments.

  1. Yes, mankind has effected the natural cycle of the earth. That is as much scientific LAW as the THEORY of gravity.

  2. There is NO reason to NOT cut noxious man-made emissions of all kinds. Seriously, someone post a valid argument for NOT reducing toxic, man-made emisions.

As far as opinions & pure conjecture go:

a)I love watching car enthusiasts debate about the perils of gloabal warming on a “racing” forum.

b) I’m ALL FOR international laws, programs, and measures to reduce emissions. However, if Europe, USA, and Russia are to spend Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars doing so, then there is no way that the “international bodies” can turn a blind eye to China, India, and the majority of the South American continent.

Not all of use are blessed with being naturally “wiry”. :stuck_out_tongue: