thats true we should make a Sticky for all 16 year olds
cough* DjPhailfiniti*
thats true we should make a Sticky for all 16 year olds
cough* DjPhailfiniti*
yeah, just go to and look around for the cheapest car on insurance. you will have a hard time finding someone who will insure you, even under your parents, you will have troubles, insurance companys aren’t stupid, kid turns 17, gets his g2, another car on the insurance bill, wonder who it’s for? only way i managed my first vehicle, was because it was and older f-150 and it went under company insurance, ONLY way. oh, and trucks without 4x4 tend to be cheaper than most other vehicles.
seriously. don’t be like anyone here on this board…or even half the population really. Go get a tercel, or hyundai, something like that. Drive it for 2-3 years if not more. Save for a real car. Or build on in the process. By the time you either have enough money for the car you really want or have built what you want properly. Your insurance should be WAY cheaper. Just dont get any tickets.
Suck it up and drive a shat box. You will thank me for it later
Even a damn 2.2 5-speed s-10. cheap as can be on fuel. basic repairs to keep em going. Cheap for insurance. LOTS of potential. 3" drop or more…exhaust (if you like how cavaliers sound) intake, rims, brakes, tint, stereo. Make your cars suite your needs.
Like I said though, a clunker…and an s-10 will do that just fine.
$12,000 at 16? How nice.
If you’re serious about success, you’ll buy a reliable Camry, invest the rest of the money into short or long term fund (mutuals, GICs, etc etc), finish school with top grades, pull the money out of your aforementioned savings and complete post-secondary with no debt.
Now that…that my friend, is worth more than any modified/tune/suped up car you can build.
Your car will be a money sink. Unless you are lucky enough to have wealthy parents, take the advice of the experienced - don’t sink your money into a liability that will continue to depreciate.
That is the advice I wish I had taken…
But hey…what do I know.
get a 180 if ur bad
When I was 16 I worked 32 hours a week at a shitty job in hopes of having a sick ride… Instead I was persuaded to save that money for school… Thankfully I did because at costs upwards of $11 000 a year a car just does not make sense… People here have experience, even if you have 12k just get something to get you around, then go big when the time is right
buy a car that will get you around, but is baller straight out of the box.
wish i had taken that advice too. now i have alot of debt. and nothing to show for it.
get good grades and buy a reliable car. stop dreaming of the F&F life.
get a skyrinnne!
First thread…and you’re not using the search function. Third post and you’re being productive already - welcome to the club, I’m sure you’ll fit in just fine.
fuck it, two feet and a heart beat! cheapest transportation yet!
and NOOOOOB’s…be USEFUL please. welcome none the less:cool:
Honestly if I were to start all over again I would either get an FD RX7 with a blown engine and swap an LS.Or an s2000 with a supercharger and 255/40/17 all around… then when I have the money go into the finer details and go all out.
A 240 can be made very very fast, it can be made to grip and serve no drifting purpose as most have come to know it unfortunately… it can all be done… but with alot of research, alot of money and alot of time… I’ve went that route so far… I will go all the way as to what I plan to do… but I would have rather gotten an RX7 FD or S2000 if I were to start over again. Research these cars well.
Basically what I’m trying to say is, a 240 does have alot of potential, but you need to have alot of know how, research and money spent into getting it up to level of some other cars. In the end though, it’ll still be more difficult to drive at the limit and require more driving skill than say an m3 or an rx7 fd, or evo or skyline with the fancy awd or whatever, it can even be much faster… but it’s alot more complicated than that… so many factors that people are unaware of or overlook.
If not, you’ll end up with a confused daily driver/wanabe fast car/drift show toy car and be like everyone else.
If you just want to make the car look nice an daily, then still get something newer than a 240, a 240 won’t turn heads even when built nicely and it won’t be as comfortable or silent inside. An RX7 will do alot more… because it’s just higher up there. A 240 was never meant to be the all of nissan… The RX7 was. Two different classes of cars.
You want my honest opinion? You’re 16. You’re not even in college or uni yet. Finish your school, get a good job, save yourselves headaches, debts, don’t be a naive idiot. Life is more than about material things and having a ‘nice car’, and so on. You’ll learn the hard way.
I never bit the bullet in high school like some idiots did, but I did in college… I’m still paying for it.
Ok, for all the people above, I DON’T HAVE 12 Gs! I’m just saying, that’ll be my limit for a car when I buy a car. Like right now I might have $2000 tops (it’s gonna be a while). I just made this tread so that maybe I can get an idea of what I’m saving up for, maybe research it and stuff while I do so.
Yes, I know insurance rapes. My mom tells me that all the time (well not rapes but you know). Whatever car I get will be under their name and I’ll work the rest out later.
And whoever said get a car like a Tercel, I asked my dad and he told me to shut up (lol). Guess he thought I meant my cousin’s Tercel with 500k on it
Oh, and for the one peoples who said to buy a regular car just to avoid dept and stuff, I know all about that. My cousin bought like a brand new Civic a while back and then he sold it just a few months later in the winter because he didn’t like handling it in the winter. Then he bough a new Tuscan which he likes but he lost a ton of money and he’s just like 24 or 25 I think. I wanna make sure that doesn’t happen to me obviously… I mean I have years to figure things out…
Just get a 1992 - 1995 Civic hatch. Get the CX or VX as those are the lightest ones.
Keep the motor stock but do up suspension, wheels, and tires, and a seat. You will have a pretty nice car for the track. Powerwise…you can do a swap but it wouldnt make too much of a difference unless it’s a K20.
hey hey don’t dis the grand caravan. with a nice system and any luck with the girls, it would be your best friend enough room to move around in inside
I can’t believe you recommended a 3000 , pick one up and tell me how easy it is to find parts … :noes:
Yea I was lookin’ around a lot the past few days and I think I would probably pick a 1992-1995 Civic hatch. I think a '91 hatch would be sweet too… Right now though I would have no clue where to start with the engine swapping and stuff. The B series engines are good and cheap and the K series engines are better and more expensive and then the stock engines aren’t very good unless you like slap a turbo on it but then it’s far more less reliable then a B engine swap? I mean, all the random info is kinda overwhelming for me I guess (lots of time to learn though)…
I don’t quite know where to look for information… I understand 240SXs way better because this site has more then enough info on everything AND it’s local. Where do I go for Hondas?
lmfao Hondas are WAY more popular. Just do a quick search for “Honda forums” and you’ll find something.
Few words of advice, don’t buy someone else’s project, and check insurance prices before you buy.
Honda is probably your best option, like Mark said, do some suspension and tire mods, learn to drive, and get some seat time.
FWD is forgiving, can be a riot fun, and Honda is probably your best option for something fun to drive but affordable.
Also, if you’re looking at Honda, try to find something decent but not terribly popular so you don’t get hosed on insurance.
For your first car get something you can drive all year round . For my first car I had a Ford Escort ZX2 , I beat the hell out of that thing and it was a tank in the winter . Which was good because it had to get my ass to school and work .
Now that I own my 240 its more of a hassle than any other car has been . I mean I couldnt drive it in the winter ( it was horrible in the snow with studded winters and the underbody isnt rusted so the best bet was to put it up for the winter) . Im only 20 but ive gone through 3 cars since I was 18 . First the ZX2 , then a GSR and now my 240. I love the 240 but im glad I got a beater when I did . Im now in university in my second year and Im also working full time making aprox 30K a year and I find it hard to pay for school and do the things I want to my car .
So choose wisely . I know your not going to listen to us because I wouldnt have . I love cars and thats why I wanted to get the ones that I liked ( GSR and 240) but my dad went out and got me that ZX2 . Thank god he did because it saved me a year of hassle free , no tuning , car.