A history of suck... (awesome update post 99, then 134)


fourtytoo pretended to be a broke dick bitch trying to buy an STI with a 521 credit score. I just figured they were really fucking poor/stupid. I guess I was right?

My question is, was it just a weird/crazy ploy to make up a crazy story to interlude himself in a conversation? Or is he really trying to buy an STI with a 521 credit score?

He strikes me as someone who doesn’t pay their bills and then when brought up, tries to legitimize their situation to as why they couldn’t/shouldn’t have paid their bills.

Wait… You didn’t run his credit and post it right???

no he admitted to a 521. That’s like admitting to having 2 and a half inches, or 3 digits in your savings account.


I have three digits in my savings account, and I think that includes the decimal… Wifey moved all of my money into a joint account for the wedding and purchase of a house and whatever else she is doing at the moment. I hate not seeing my money :frowning:

you’re a braver man than I. I disregard females’ attempts to control my currency.

the end is near

how did i miss such a fantastic thread. this kid is a retard

Dang. IN.

bump, who do you think he is now?

I know who his last was but we banned them. :snky: He will pop back up soon.

who was he last? cmon… cmon…


What’s his real name?

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Gordon Shumway

Not Chris ocean?

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Thought it was Burgeron or some shit? Either way he sucks. Someone headbutt him please.

Chris Ocean. I saw him at Shred and Ragan last week.



Chris Ocean for sure.

Lol… tell me his resume crossed your desk? He was an aerospace engineer afterall.