A letter from Iraq


word, i agree with 91crxsi. i too am a soldier and from stories iv heard its not as bad as its portreyed to the public. most of the reason so many citizens are against bush and the war is because of the fucking media. of course your not going to support anything when all u see on the television is 5 people dieing everyday. how about showing the school they just built? or just maybe…i mean this is really pushing it, but somebody building a house!!! :bloated: i mean seriously come on now, and as for this person writing home and saying this…i just ask why? why worry your family and make them more upset than they already are. thats the one thing i learned, is what happens there in the army is for me to deal with, not my family.


dont turn this into a political thread. the reasons most people are against bush and the war are our soldiers are getting killed, we’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars, the rest of the world hates us, and the reasons we went there were wrong. for the money spent there they could have built millions of americans a new house or school, and the iraqis would still be better off.