a lil rice to the lex

^^^that license plate will prolly get any white person shot

I think they look good

Whos car is that really on? wow

real or fake cf? i like it, might get a set :slight_smile:

i waiting for the pics of the scratches on ur roof lol…u must really love teh new car huh?

ok we seriously dont need a million pictures with 17 different angles that are all closeup. is it illegal to take a decent far back shot?

this is Chris Cochrane and that’s what really grinds my gears.

what? if you dont liek look at the pics i got a simple soultion for ya.


works like a charm there champ.

dunno, doesnt match, the rest of the door frame needs to be cf or something… it just looks too random IMO :gotme:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: are these yours?

Those hands are the wrong color to be driving around with those plates.

I like the plate…

I would put it on a FBODY