A List of Things More Likely Than You Winning Tomorrow’s $540 Million Lotto Jackpot

The jackpot is the future value based on annuity payments over 26 years.

It’s over after today.

Every possible combination has been sold.

Someone(s) is going to be VERY lucky. Lucky SOB’s.

100 people are going to hit that jackpot LOL.

Probably. Will lol.

As L4B said, its not always rainbows. Those specials exist for a reason on how most people can’t handle the money, the attention, the constant pleading and begging, the hate etc.

I’m sure plenty do, but still your odds of being miserable after the win are a lot better than winning to begin with :rofl

I’d setup my family for good and then DISAPPEAR to the tropics. Simple as that.


Plenty to pick from lol.

I would become a rapper and ball hard everywere!!

I wouldn’t even buy a new car at first. I’d just go to NYC and clog each and every one of Goldman Sachs’ toilets.


I would prolly just go to the dollar store and buy a few things.

actually i’d buy that island that the military built during WWII and is now abandoned.

First thing is pay off my parent’s house. Then buy my family and friends a new car. Give my grandmother a million dollars to give away herself because she’s always wanted to be a millionaire. Then I’d do a cross country trip with my closest friends. As soon as that’s done I would give most of my money away over the next 50 years. Find people deserving and pay off their debt, student loans, houses etc. No charities because they waste the money. Just to people I’m close to. Keep a few mill in the bank for interest.

Whatwouldja do there?

build a private race track, collect cars, boats, and boats that can carry cars. oh and airplanes/helicopters.



With like, lazers and have sick suspensionz on the cars?

no, and only on some bro! certainly some, but most i would want to ruin modifying.

THey said so far from this jack pot of the 42 states that are involved in the mega millions americans have spent 1.5 BILLION dollars

keep my honda because i love it so much

lol jk buy a F40 always been my dream car