A Little Cup of Inspiration to get your day off to a good start

thought I share this and maybe help someone along.

Good post. Very interesting

i wish there was a like button. stay hungry, stay foolish

There is… I have it turned off, but once I turn it on, remember to come back to this thread and hit it.

I woke up this morning to a girl saying “Oh shit! My boyfriend is going to kill me!!!”.

This put me back on the right track

nice to have a little inspiration on a Friday morning! Thanks!

That is a fantastic speach.

That was very good. I feel inspired.

Good speech :tup:

And maybe one day you too can be a rebel:

"early on when an AT&T representative suggested to one of Jobs’ deputies that the Apple CEO wear a suit to meet with the AT&T board, he was told “We’re Apple. We don’t wear suits. We don’t even own suits.” - LINK