a man's word is meaningless

commentary by cutty:

well yet another greedy college football player leaves for the NFL draft. I thought larry fitzgeld was a man of his word and he was committed to the pitt football program. Now he’s just like the rest. I can’t blame him for solidifying his future by taking the big bucks of the NFL but there are other ways of doing besides leaving the last two years of your college carrer. Willis mcgahee got an insurance policy before he played the 2003 Fiesta Bowl. the policy was incase he suffered a career ending injury and he couldn’t collect on his future NFL value. Larry is worth Big dollars, he could get an insurance policy and play his junior year without worry. But really thou, what kinda football player is worried about getting hurt. If getting hurt is on your mind then you aren’t cut out for the game. So much for things lost such as Commitment, teamwork and pride. I belive larry is a good person with values but this move just puts him back more towards the rest of “them”.

I think if you use a school like that, you should have to pay back that scholarship money. The NFL would really show some class and distance is self from second tier sports like the NBA and MLB if they forced drafties to earn their diploma before they join the NFL. Why does the rest of america have to earn a college degree in order to land a good job?

I guess possibly breaking all the college records and winning a heisman is less important than gettin that new car and house. Money can’t buy everything and i hope he comes to regret his dicision. Personally i would rather be know as a legend rather than some rich football player. Look at the some of the people from Pitt and how they are viewed in this town. Dan marino and tony dorsett are like the second comming of christ when they are in town. People care less about curtis martin cause he turned his back on pitt and ran for the money. If i knew i was a lock weather i left school now or later i would stay and try to acomplish something rather than leave and take the quick money. larry is a projected top 5 pick. if he plays another year he can only improve on his draft status. there is a big difference between being the 5th pick and the 1st pick. Good luck larry and next time don’t let your daddy make all your decisions for you.


I woulda taken the money. NFL > College

Originally posted by Darkstar
I woulda taken the money. NFL > College

this might be the first time we agreed money over staying in school and getting hurt

yeah that sucks but i think PItt is going to suck next year no matter what so it was probably a good idea seeing as how his stats wont get anyhigher when the rest of the team sucks.
BTW: PENNSTATE RULES next year lol

penn state got the 3rd best recruiting class this year in college footballhttp://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/_images/pennst-sm.gif

yeah, larry doesnt have anyone to through him the ball next year, and he had one hell of a year this year. Sure he Might have just as good or maybe even a better year next year, but what if he doesnt. He made the right decision for him.

Originally posted by dg11
yeah, larry doesnt have anyone to through him the ball next year, and he had one hell of a year this year.

he has Tyler Palko next year…if he would of stayed prob a ten times better QB than the guy that had

if i had a chance to go PRO - i would take the chance, as with most of us here: those Millions of dollars sounds good in this shitty economy :stick:

Originally posted by Shaggy
if i had a chance to go PRO - i would take the chance, as with most of us here: those Millions of dollars sounds good in this shitty economy :stick:

plus if he gets hurt then there goes his chances to go pro

Originally posted by slowcamaro
he has Tyler Palko next year…if he would of stayed prob a ten times better QB than the guy that had

Posterboy Palko will be returning to his bench seat without a doubt. That kid from steel valley blows him out of the water. Pitt will suck regardless. Harris will leave Pitt for NFL. Deal with it.

palko is the man…but we will see next year

take the money and run…

if his goal in the past x amount of years was to accel in football… this move makes sense.?

:gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: Larry is in control of his life not pitt or pitt fans. So whatever he wants to do he can do it even if us pitt fans dont like it.

Im with sailor on this one… Take that paycheck and run. Financially securing his own future is the smart choice.

Hmmmmm lets see… do i wanna study for another 2 years and take the risk of getting hurt? Or do i wanna get fat paid and make a real name for myself in the NFL?

Maybe the steelers will pick him up :smiley:

steelers have the #11 pick this year,so i doubt it.

and :rofl: at cutty making this thread.u mean to honestly tell me that if that were u, u wouldnt jump to the nfl to make multi-millions just to catch a football?if u say u would stay in school ur lying,no if,and’s or but’s about it.

Originally posted by brokeasskorean
steelers have the #11 pick this year,so i doubt it.

and :rofl: at cutty making this thread.u mean to honestly tell me that if that were u, u wouldnt jump to the nfl to make multi-millions just to catch a football?if u say u would stay in school ur lying,no if,and’s or but’s about it.


Aint no college pussy taste better than a multi-million dollar contract.

:yum: millions of dollars and fresh pie weekly :yum:

sorry i have a little pride. like i said, he can get an insurance policy that covers his ass incase something happends. I would want to prove without a doubt i was the best all time, win a heisman, give it one last try at going to a big bowl game. Don’t forget Pitt has a chance to win the big east without miami and VT this year and a automatic bid to a BCS bowl. Larry isn’t controling his own future, his dad is regardless of what anyone says. As for Palko, why are people giving him such a hard time, he hasn’t had a chance to prove anything yet. He just doesn;t go from the most highly recruited pitt football player of all time to a bum. Getsy is pretty good too but we’ll see what this season holds.

Penn State Sucks.