A Night at the Dubai Dragstrip *VIDS*

From s2ki.com:

A few days back I have received an invitation to come for a fun day at our one and only re-opened drag strip. It is located around 30min. of highway driving from Dubai, in an emirate called Um-Al-Quwain. Drag racing has a longer history than any other motorsport here in the U.A.E., our record is high 6sec.

So we arrived at 9pm, not many cars were there as you can see:



And than the ballers came ! (well, I thought these are the ballers)



NOTE: The Ford GT came drifting, directly to the drag strip, toasted the ATOM with a mid 11 and people went nuts!
I saw the ATOM for the first time :


and my brother raced him (driven by the Sheik him self ) That’s like racing George Bush in an ATOM, do you read me guys?

EVO 8 vs. ATOM

My brother beat him with a 13.2 by 0.002sec

I raced a stock C6 auto and he got toasted!!

S2K vs. Stock C6 Corvette

NOTE: They put only 30% VHT (this sweet glue) and LOT of water, so all times were bad (I won with a lousy 13.403, but he was auto and traction control on)

Than I gave my car to someone who can drive and he raced a auto C6 with intake and cat back…PLEASE note the backfire from 3rd into 4th

S2K vs. Modded C6 Corvette

Forget the ballers in Ford GT, ATOM, Lotus ect.

The REA*L ballers came





Man, I am used to see ballers, but this was one number too large even for me


Sweat memories of one Top Gear issue came into my mind and I started hoping for a miracle, I started hoping for the SLR to join the party.
Well,do I need to say more?


At this moment you can pretend like you are not impressed, but you are co(u)ming, so was I
Enzo, Carerra GT and SLR came to have fun at the drag strip. Com’on guys, how many times do you see this 3 cars standing next to each other, getting ready to race?



I guess they really wanna race them



What was the last time you saw an Enzo lined up with a Carrera GT at your local drag strip? The Enzo ran 11.2 as the best time, this might give you an idea of how much traction we had.


or an SLR with a CGT?


My wife was wet in no-time


Note: Real ballers have some proper tint all over the place


me representing the s2k comunity world wide Starting from left, old E500AMG,Enzo,CGT,Ford GT, The C6 with intake+exhaust in fron of me and some security Range Rover Sport.My car was feeling like a 40year old in a swinger club


Still couldn’t belive it so I took a pic of my self


Some regular wanna-be-ballers came



NOTE: check the size of the security guy He must be on asteroids

Range Rover anyone?(toys of the security guys)




Stroked, big turboed, stripped Nissan GTR-I, called Pulsar

And if you still think I am joking or this is chopped, have a look at SLR with cold tires (and engine ) strugling for traction:

SLR no Traction


S2K vs. WRX

NOTE: he raped me very bad on the start, at 301meters he was still in the lead but I managed to beat him by 0.002 sec

I hope you enjoyed my little (low quality) photoreport as much as I did!

sssss l oooo w w w

:hitit: I’d hit his wife:) seeing that she’s wet in all:lol:

thid people have maaaaad money


thats nutts.

holy fuck. i probably payed for part of that enzo when i fill up…

Damn, some nice cars there…

dubai = one of the pimpest cities on earth.

What a scene…

wow…thats hot

theres a bunch a guys from Dubai on supraforums who are regular posters, looks like theres lots of loot there for these guys to play around with


ya it is… someone went there from our company and brought back tons of pics… re fin dicious

car pool?

Holy “Lucky Sperm Club” Batman!

his wife? shit, i’d be wet too.

or, ermmm, uhhh, wait…

Must be nice to be born on top of oil huh. There is an assload of money sittin in that parking lot

Damn that slr cant get traction for shit. Hot cars and his wife is not bad either.:tup:

damn, but shity times and most drivers sucked too