Today a friend of ours made a recommendation to me reguarding resolutions to any issues anyone may have when doing business with Albany Speed Shop. First and Foremost - Right now the income from the shop feeds 6 families. We depend on good folks like you as much as you depend on us when you contract us for whatever. These relationships are hand in hand and extremely important for all parties. My business life has been full circle filled with good and bad, helping thousands of customers. The most important thing between us is OPEN & HONEST communication.
To this extent, there will be a new section coming to A.S.S. called Resolutions. Although a phone call is the BEST means to communicate, an open forum allows everyone to see the integrity of all parties concerned. There is no doubt that people may chime in with opinions and that I feel is also acceptable. The purpose is to be able to communicate concerns in an open forum and find a resolve we can all live with. In order for a resolution to be met, both parties must examine the situation and decide what is fair for the parties involved and they must be able to communicate effectively. Regretfully and rarely a resoluton will not be found. This is very uncommon with good communication.
This may be different then other shops policies or the way they handle concerns. Again, a VOICE conversation is the BEST method for communication. All the employees at Albany Speed Shop are there to do the right thing. We prefer to do repairs and services that will last. We do not like to skip corners and or cover up a mistake. MISTAKE - when something happens that is unintentional, being human. We do make mistakes. We try very hard not to. If we do we do not cover it up. We will tell you. In doing it correctly we may take a little longer then expected. Our quotes may include extra time over that of the book time due to age, rust and experience doing a job. If more time is needed we will ask for it. There should never be a “surprise” when you arrive to pick up your stuff! We fix everybody’s stuff like it was ours. We take this seriously. If you said i have $xx to spend, thats means nothing so to speak. We are going to do the job as inexpensively as possible without jabbing you. Thats not fair and I hate it when someone does that to us.
We are in business to make a profit. It is not our goal to “make a million” haha far from it. But we do need to pay the employees and the bills and bank some cash. This seems like a no brainer. But lots of times people ask me to do stuff for peanuts or less. I cannot make repairs and provide services for cost or a loss. We keep the mark up low and the labor rate fair for the market. Many of you are in business and know this. Price is not everything anyway. We offer a set of guys with more experience in so many applications its crazy. We are talanted. You reap the benefits from that. You should trust in this.
So in any event - this is the resolutions thread. It is here to discuss happenings that made you feel uncomfortable for whatever reason. I would much rather you call me. I do not feel this thread will be used much. Your satisfaction is priority one from the start. I do feel you knowing we feel this way and care enough to make a thread for it says somethng loud and clear. Many SHIFT518 Members have used our services with little to no complaint. Thats what we all want and how we try to make it. Fair.

Thanks to all of you for being you. I appreciate your business and friendship.

Darryl and the Albany Speed Shop gang