i don’t envy him, that’s a ton of work to do without damaging anything… what are you using to bond it back on? some form of Sikaflex urethane?
love the look, hrmmmm where to start the carnage?
i don’t envy him, that’s a ton of work to do without damaging anything… what are you using to bond it back on? some form of Sikaflex urethane?
love the look, hrmmmm where to start the carnage?
that looks not fun at all
how did he approach the removal? Did he grind out all the spot welds?
very nice
Sweet. Cutting out the roof probably sucked.
Well, if a 10.0 stock block evo wasn’t hardcore as is… you have officially made the jump to that in my book lol.
lol. Thanks guys! Cory took his time and it came out great! Didnt take as long as I thought it would, only 2-2.5 hours for removal.
How much did the stock roof weigh?
CF weight savings?
looks awesome emery!
great work guys!
cant wait to see how she runs this year
Total savings of 56lbs off of the roof.
That’s a LOT more than I thought. Nice. This thing is gonna weigh less than my E30 lol.
is that including the moonroof or just the panel differences?
It has to include the sun/moonroof and mechanism. No way that thin panel weighs anywhere near 50lbs on it’s own.
thats what i was thinking but I was just making sure
Bad ass :tup:
Oh, it was fun as hell. Piece of cake.
I can safely say that is was the only prefectly good roof I’ve ever cut off.:headbang:
awesome work Cory!
Any more updates?
:tup: nice job guys