A well deserved Fu*K YOU to many Illegal Mexican Immigrants

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand … he crumples up the american flag in the process


oh damn.
Try that on the west side w/prican flag. I bet the dude gets shot. jk

:tup: to that guy.


Good for him. Good to know that someone still loves this country enough to care about something symbolic.

Fucking idiot kid comments in the video. “You guys are Nazi’s.” “We don’t need to always be telling the world we’re better than everyone.” Wtf. How the fuck do they confuse tolerance with not being allowed to be proud of who you are and where you’re from?

he shoulda burned down the store too, just to set an example.

disappointed. That had the potential to be so much more entertaining.

:tup: to the Vet though.

the guy with the comment about it just being a colored piece of cloth needs to learn something about symbolism. If people see “that peice of colored cloth” as a symbol for their nation, treating it without respect is like treating the nation without respect…

I hate video comments…


Isn’t flying your flag highest generally accepted to mean that you have conquered/are in control of that region?


There was a good comment on the video page speaking to how Mexican immigrants want more to turn America into Mexico than become Americans themselves

Word. :tup: to him. He should have burned the Mexican flag or wiped his ass with it

Gay…blocked at work.

Notice that no one even thought about fucking with the ex military guy with the giant knife. You might not speak English, but everyone speaks the international language of “Don’t get your dumb ass stabbed with a big knife”.

Good for him! He may of crumpled the flag, but he did not let it touch the ground, that is all that matters.

way to fucking go

that was awesome :tup:

T fucking up :tup:

That guy should never have to buy his own beer again in his life. I’d buy him a round for that. :tup:

Nice. No flag should be flying higher than the flag of the country you’re in.