A white C6 for 30K?

Gorgeous. White FTW. I should get one with cam and spray and pull up to Bladez Cobra and purge freeze that faggy garden snake right off of his grill :thankyou:

Thank god you hate Vipers… I cringe at the thought of having to hang out with you. Fuck… you would probably even buy a White one too… that would be straight :gay:

+1 on the Pros and Cons list.

careful. I could see him getting one just to spite you

In B4 this blows up.

Fuck and you though I was shittin on this thread

Yeah, no shit. You know what would suck more? If he fucking LIKED it. Not only would the universe implode allowing us all to divide by zero, but I would be stuck with a “tool in the loop” for good. People might even think we were “friends”… driving the same car and all.

Fuck me… I am going to have to sell my car and get something else just for thinking about what could happen.

Then again, there are really only 2 Viper owners I cannot stand, is their room for 1 more, or maybe 3 is a crowd? The world will hopefully never know.

:tup: for Newman considering a domestic

:lol: :tup:

You can’t even spell, retard. The only shit in this thread is the brown mass you use as brains.

I’m awesome. no one would ever think i was your friend in a million years.

I would sell my soul for a C6 Z06!!! Hell, I’d even take one in yellow. Correct me if I am wrong, but, I thought that the only way to get a white C6 Z06 was if you bought the Ron Fellows Edition? The one with the CCW’s looks AMAZING.

Ron Fellow’s has red stripes on the fender but maybe they are decals


according to the website white was not a color options when building one

i want the Brian Fellows edition.

god this has me wanting to sell my car again…

putting it back up for sale


There is no fucking way he buys one.
he just needed an excuse to tell everyone he has $30,000 in cash.

Hi im brian fellows

Correct, that was why I was saying that I did not believe the white one above with the CCW’s was a Z06. I think the RF’s edition would look better without the stripes, white with red leather interior, HOT


Actually $50K cash