AAA Drops the ball

sick burn on me!
my point was to get people thinking about a worst case situation, but I’m sure with everyones foresight no one could end up like me and if they did I’m sure you guys are all set to survive the 14hrs my car has sat for so far…

And it begins… Cabin fever!

I still think that AAA should be helping him out once the conditions are better and should remain willing to help coordinate with the Sheriffs.

Sorry to hear man.

thanks man, I’m home, I’m warm, I have beer, thats all that really matters, I shudder to see the car though as it got banged around pretty good trying to drag it out of the ditch, it’s all good though, thats what a “beater” is for

I’m sure they will help when the time is right. I would imagine they are being inundated with stories very similar to yours. It sucks you went through what you did, I would not want to be in your shoes. I hope it all works out for you!

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This. Just because it’s clear at your house doesn’t mean their backlog is clearing, or that they aren’t being directed to more important issues like towing vehicles that are blocking main roads. You weren’t hurt, you weren’t obstructing traffic, you weren’t stranded since you called from a house… basically you weren’t a priority. I’m sure had you called from the side of the road saying you were going to freeze to death the sheriff would have come right out.

I told them the car was half in the road (which it is, it’s white no less) and told them I was able to come inside a strangers house long enough to make a call but I was not welcome to spend the night, regardless, I lived, the car is another story TBD, I need to up my winter survival game as I’m sure alot of you need to also

If the weather is bad enough that you need to roll down your windows to be able to see, then you need to pull over and wait until it’s safe to drive again.

I agree with both of these statements. I certainly don’t wish harm on you or anyone else, but you go and get stuck out in these terrible conditions and then blame everyone else for not coming to save you. Then you call me and others a fucking idiot for giving you a reasonable explanation for why they couldn’t help you. The tow truck drivers and police can see just as much as you can. And like you said, there were tons of other people who were stuck too.

Put it this way.

If my buddy drove out to “save” you (he’s an Sheriff) and got hit by another moron “braving the storm” and died, I’d wish nothing more than for you to suffer the same fate.

That being said, it’s good that you WERE safe. You were in no danger minus pissing the guy off who decided to help you.

According to the op, YOU’RE a fucking idiot.

How about the Trooper who had his squad car hit while issuing a DWI ticket last night on the 90 by Ridge. He’s in the hospital now because some idiot thought he would take a leisure drive while drunk and risked the lives of others. I’m sure after that, all agencies are looking at these scenarios different.

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first off, fuck you, secondly if the guy “helping me” decide to tell me to fuck off then what am I to do??
Bunch of useless assholes with your “you shouldn’t have been driving” comments.
WTF do you do when you leave , the weather is manageable , get 2 miles and encounter a massive white out on a 2 lane country road with no street lights & put your car in the ditch??
I hope the fire department doesn’t adopt the mentality you gentlemen have, how many fires in hindsight are preventable? God forbid someone in a position of public safety have to risk their life.
Next time I will attempt to walk 2 miles back to work and hope not to get lost and die of exposure so your friend in a position of public safety doesn’t have to do his job.
On a side note AAA cannot get anyone to tow the car today so it’s sitting until tomorrow at a minium

This was a good read, I’m glad I got all state motorclub after AAA fucked me.

instead of being an ignoramus and assuming you are impervious to “shit happening” take a second and ask yourself if your moms, wives ect ect are as profoundly prepared for disaster such as yourselves.
If the answer if an obvious “no” then I strongly suggest you get off your soap boxes and take a few precautions for their best interest.
I managed but I can easily see the same circumstances costing someone their life

I think you’re just mad.

You should make some hot coco.

I just from Detroit to St Louis across multiple driving bans, closed highways, lake effect snow, and 100% ice covered roads…

You need to try harder next time :-p

WTF do you do when you leave , the weather is manageable , get 2 miles and encounter a massive white out on a 2 lane country road with no street lights & put your car in the ditch??

Pull over the best you can, put your hazards on and wait for the visibility to improve. This thread in and of itself is proof that it’s the better option.

I’m sure in hindsight he wishes he did. What’s done is done. Car is stuck. Man is safe. The end.

^ I dont think you have ever been through a blizzard, the visibility has been a complete white out for the last 20 hours in my town, the wind and snow have not stopped.