about ready to fly to houston..

Your an idiot Jeff, fly out their who cares

I hate planes… But my girlfriend does have a enough national city points for free airfare round trip somewhere… very tempting

Maybe if I get pissed off enough that i dont give a fuck about flying I’ll do it.
the motherfuck has now blocked my emails and is still not returning my calls

BE A MAN ! & fly down there !

It sucks, but your more of a cheap ass than me. do it anyway and fly :rofl:

Im going to see what goes on with the credit card company and go from there. knowing my luck I’ll get arrested and stuck in a texas jail

Pussy, fly on a wednesday. cheap seats with continental

well im done… worked everything out with the credit card company and they refunded my money, now their going after him. :beer:
I’ve also contacted his local sherrif dept and the internet fraud dept on the governments website :smiley:
He’s gonna have a real bad summer :rofl:

Out of curiosity I cracked open the tranny, wow… what a fuckin mess…


compared to my tranny (which has 139K on it)
