about ready to fly to houston..

purchased a 3.94 transmission with a phantom grip LSD and welded Diff Pin off of another person on another forum. I get the transmission today and its a completely different transmission, it’s a 3.55 and I have a pretty good idea that it doesnt have the phantom grip and welded diff pin. He said it was kept in storage but yet there was mud on it, pine needles in the bellhousing where the clutch sits, paint all coming off, and I blew out thick chunks of orange shit inside the diff part of the tranny…

it was paid thru paypal and hopefully this will all be taken care of… if not then im using some national city points and flying down there with the tranny and meeting him at his front door…:finger2:

thats suck. fuck phantom grips. you should’ve just bought an obx diff then you wouldn’t have to ever worry about the pin breaking or coming out. fuckin dodge differential’s suck. I blew 3 diff pins in my years of screwin with the shelby. I got the awesome factory fix parts from the dealer in it now, the freaking metal tabs that bolt onto the ring gear that are supposed to hold the pin in. yeah right. what a joke. just get an obx and take it apart and loc tite and retourque everything. I read something about buying different washers for it too that preload the gears inside of it and make it not self destruct.

& do what? Drive into thier shitter?

block the door to the shitter… cause that worked out so well. :doh:


Shitter blocking gets the free grill mod. :slight_smile:

Has the guy ignored your emails or are you just venting prematurely? I know, even if you can send it back, it’s still a big hassle. :weak:

yep haha

talked to him on the phone, he thinks it is a 3.94… but when mopar rebuilt it they put a 3.55 tag on it :rofl:

I opened a dispute on paypal just to get the guy moving and if he doesnt want to give me my money back and take the transmission then im going to up it to a claim and see what he does.

That sucks… did ur tranny break, or you just want an “upgraded” one… hopefully it works out for ya.

diff pin slipped and went MIA on 51…

tranny is fine, my diff and outer bellhousing is shot

sounds wonderful… gotta love that!

indeed, I just keep wondering where the pin and 2 spider gears went… the guy behind me never stopped so I guess it didnt end up in his windshield.

were nowhere to be found on the road…

i saw a connecting rod come thru the bottom of a pan befor on a neon. it hit the ground and flew above my car and landed behind me. pretty sweet seeing that much oil spew out. so it might have bounced out and around like a fuckin bouncy ball.


someone get silver to post up the video

never knew there were different angles

![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/grill mod.bmp](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/grill mod.bmp)

this is bullshit… I talked to paypal and upped the dispute to a claim since he is not returning my phone calls. I get an email a second later stating that since I have received the “goods” I can not go after him for a refund. even if its not the right transmission.
paypal said to contact the credit card company and they will probably be able to get my money back…

Im seriously about to go drop in on someone’s family get together on sunday afternoon :mad:

escrow service ftw. you live you learn. pursue it to the death tho man

doing something called a “chargeback” with the credit card company

I feel bad that you got fucked. But seriously, you aren’t going to do that.