Above and Beyond - The Guvernment (Pics!!)

Ok. Ill buy that. I know exactly what you mean atho many pro party kids sport glasses at times… I know… not the Oakleys :slight_smile: It gets crazy bright in there at times and it can be irritating… especially when you can become extra sensitive to it. Its a matter of preference. People are there to have a good time and I think that is cool. I dont judge or hate since thats not the kind of vibe that makes a party a hit. As long as someone is not being a asshole or scumbag I say let them be. The Guv is kind of a newb club. Everyone who knows the scene knows that… but they still go there since its a great venue and they bring in killer talent. As far as the button down shirts are concerned… some styles do look goofy… but some of the best gear that looks the sharpest is button down… Le Chateau, FUCK, ect… you accessorize with a bleached blonde in a crotch high mini and stilletos and you run the show