Above and Beyond - The Guvernment (Pics!!)


Damn that looked like an awesome time.

uhm, you really need to know who you are talking to before you say this, first Buffalo clubs are a fucking joke, and it is not that hard to walk around rolling. The people that do wear glasses are the ones that should not be doing this in the first place. You are talking to someone that grew up in the chicago club scene, was in toronto plenty of times, especially at guvernment all of which I primarly was completely fucked out of my mind. The tell tale sign that the people in glasses should not be doing, fucking button down shirts. You can always tell someone that “thinks” they are part of that scene to someone who actually has spent some time in it. I am just fucking sick of all these people that think they need to hide what they are doing, beleive me no one really fucking cares, walk around chewing something and no one is going to say shit to you. Come back and talk to me when you start candy flipping.

woot amateur drug call outs…


Ok. Ill buy that. I know exactly what you mean atho many pro party kids sport glasses at times… I know… not the Oakleys :slight_smile: It gets crazy bright in there at times and it can be irritating… especially when you can become extra sensitive to it. Its a matter of preference. People are there to have a good time and I think that is cool. I dont judge or hate since thats not the kind of vibe that makes a party a hit. As long as someone is not being a asshole or scumbag I say let them be. The Guv is kind of a newb club. Everyone who knows the scene knows that… but they still go there since its a great venue and they bring in killer talent. As far as the button down shirts are concerned… some styles do look goofy… but some of the best gear that looks the sharpest is button down… Le Chateau, FUCK, ect… you accessorize with a bleached blonde in a crotch high mini and stilletos and you run the show

I am not trying to call you guys out, I am just sick of the majority of the people that dress like that, especially after the last two nights in Ybor down here, so many people you just want to fucking punch in the face with there God Damn glasses and shitty ass buttons shirts, than they sit there and whine about not getting in to a couple places when I walk in in a tshirt and pumas. Favorite moment of the night was the guy that had a hundred rolled outside of a bunch of singles.

Waaa Waa Waa, cry me a river.

I never used to wear glasses, just had to a few times, last night being one of them… the lights can bug some people occasionally. If you havent ever had that happen, maybe you should spend more time in “the scene”.

And as far as button down shirts? Try getting into The Drink without one, especially on a night like that.

As for my glasses being Oakleys, (violator), who cares? do you think I went out and bought them just for clubbing or something, to look cool? LOL… I have Oakleys out my ass for driving, not really that big of a deal. It would have petty for me to go out and get ANOTHER set just for clubbing…I use what I have, and get complimented on them more times than I can count in a night.

so wait, why is there a ‘‘problem’’ with wearing button down shirts?

i usually bring my Versace

Uh… Versace what? clothes? glasses? LOL

this thread is a trainwreck.

i think clubbing and techno both suck, but i’m sure (know) you’d hate my music… but i think drugs are bad news no matter how you slice it.

What drugs? There are no dugs in the club scene. Its all lies I tell you.

i just want to know why ALL the guys don’t have their shirts off.

Marcus is the only one who is cool enough to be allowed to do that, the rest of us suck.

Who’s the sweaty guy in the green shirt?

Long time friend/clubber/fellow motorhead from Toronto… with the shit in his life right now, he needed… no, DESERVED yesterday.

I borrowed some sunglasses that night. No biggie. I’m not baller, or trying to be. Who cares?

I didn’t wear them to look cool. Hell, they were way too big and looked ridiculous on me (And crooked). They saved my eyes for a little while, which were killing me last night for some reason. Normally, I don’t wear them.

Thanks for the advice though. lol

I’m surprised he lived. Nice guy, but I was nervous.

LOL, thats his dancing style. If you poke him to get his attention, he will be totally normal. He wasnt very fucked up at all really.

Oh. Alrighty then. He fooled me.