Above and Beyond - The Guvernment (Pics!!)

LOL! If you see a douche like that then that would be my que to leave.
Pulling hundreds at the bar and flashing them is almost as bad. Its bait for some of these pigs and the guys know it but that screams TOOL. It I ever pull a hundo its folded up until I hand it to the bartender.

Electronic music is by far my favorite. Drugs are bad. So is alcohol, smoking, racing, prescription drugs, crossing the street, ect…

Peoples perception of certain things is very distorted due to idiots in media and others who discuss what they have no experience in.

You can do quite a few things that people consider “bad” or “dangerous” provided it is done in MODERATION and SELF CONTROL.

I think alcohol is BY FAR the absolte worst offender of ANYTHING… hands down.

More people die (including innocents) from that shit then everything else combined.

The use of Ecstasy has been linked with a wide range of abnormalities such as impaired memory, chronic depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sleeplessness, “de-personalization”, “de-realization”, reduced cognitive ability, flashbacks, hallucinations, and paranoid delusions. Persons taking large quantities of Ecstasy in a binge pattern of use were thus at risk. Heavy users might develop depression and anxiety in the future. A user becomes a veritable neurological time-bomb.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT! this is exactly the kind of bullshit studies and garbage info out there.

oh, so its good for you then ?

Not neccessarrily good for you, but its not any better or worse than alcohol is…which IS legal.

There have been REAL studies done about its effects, and they disprove all of the nonsense in the earlier GOVERNMNET FUNDED studies. Fuck, they couldnt even get the guys who wrote the original ones to comment on why their numbers where so fucked! The real studies show that serotonin function is returned to within 4-6 percent of normal with a few days, and within 1-3 months, is completely normal. (and in actuality, 4-6 percent is considered normal, as the margin of error is about that)

People who abuse it however, are at risk- as with ANYTHING. Not only from depression, but from possible “hidden” neurological issues that E may, or may not bring to the surface. However, there is no sure-fire way to determine if the person would have developed the problem with or without it, and is thus inconclusive. Then again, there are a TON of other drugs, even legal, that have the SAME probabilities of producing problems.

There are people who have done THOUSANDS of pills, and who are perfectly fine. Sure, there are cases of people who are just straight fucked, but at the same time, they did so many other drugs at the same time that nothing can be determined by using them as an example.

The results speak for themselves. Millions of people have been doing this drug for a LONG time. Millions of pills are sold every week. How many people die a year from it? <25? How many of those people had other drugs in their systems? 15-20 of them probably? Um… compared to alcohol, that isnt exactly very scary.

Dont get me wrong, I am in no way telling everyone to go out and try it. If you have a weak will, stay as far away from ANY drugs as possible… one leads to another, and so on. All I am saying is dont be lead around by the nose by the news media and the “anti dug” campaign, which is run by 99.99% people who have never seen a drug, let alone touched or used one- they need to STFU if they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. I can see banning drugs like crack, heroin, coke, etc that are VERY addictive… But Pot? E? Give me a break. You are no more likely to have issues with either of those than with drinking, if done even remotely responsibly.

I personally love how it seems that the FDA releases drugs that go something like this:

Indications: temporary headache relief.
WARNING: May cause sudden death.

That crap is on the shelves, and E is banned? FUCK YOU. They didnt even do any testing with E to see WHAT it could be used for before they banned it! It could have some very good medical uses, but we wont know until they get off their high-horse and admit they were wrong…good luck with that.

LoL @ this thread so far. I wont bother to get involved in any arguments, all I will say is I had a fucking awesome time. Sure this scene isn’t for everyone, but the people that are into it enjoy it immensely. It is definitely different than going downtown that’s for sure.

You go downtown and some guy bumps into you and its “yo man what the fuck is your problem”…you go to guv and bump into someone and its “hey man sorry about that my fault”. No meatheads in the crowd. Don’t get me wrong, i still think downtown can be fun if i am with the right people, (that goes for anywhere, really) but like jack said coming to an event like this is a whole new ballgame.

Anyways, all I know is i partied my ass off from 12-7 with some cool cats, and thoroughly enjoyed the music especially towards the end of the night. I remember looking at my watch when the lights finally came up…734am. With people still screaming one more song. Now that’s a goddamn party. :smiley: Was def cool to meet a few speeders too, brendan, soopa and baldy…fun times rockin out with all of ya :smiley:

Awesome night, now its back to reality and time to get down to business with everything else ive got going on :bloated:

Also, heres a few pics, they came out shitty but i was too busy having a damn good time to get too camera happy :smiley:





Edit: Ah FUCK Scumfrog is coming to the drink? SOB wish i could go but i already know ive got shit going on that weekend. I would sersiouly go just to hear “secret” live.




You forgot an important fact, those tests where done using pure MDMA, many, many forms of exstacy contains some amount of cocaine or heroin to increase the effect of the MDMA.

wow, those are some of the funniest pics ive ever seen

E used to be a legal drug back in the 1990’s. They used it for several years to help marriages that were falling apart. You were given the prescription when attending counseling. I shit you not. One of my professors covered this in class once.

HAHAHAHAHAHA… i know exactly what ur talking about thom


HIDDEN!? Dopaminergic neurotransmitter degeneration is THE cause of Parkison’s disease. This isn’t an absolute. Ergo, one’s substantia nigra doesn’t just give up one day–it’s a slow process. It doesn’t regenerate if the person takes a magic pill or stops using drugs that cause this degeneration.

:frowning: Please err, be careful.

they also gave troops LSD… was that a good idea, too?


edit: and HAHAHA at the “HERRO” squad

There are many more over the counter drugs that fuck you up even more than some of the illegals. It’s all about self-control my friend.

OH and WHO THE FUCK TAKES OFF Their shirt, how about whom ever that is loses a few pounds and actaully has a six pack instead of a huge ego, and shitty body.

Also, I don’t see anything wrong with the button down shirts they are wearing… some look really nice… the sunglasses, its just another accessory to show “how much you make” some times it can’t be fitting, of course, at a club the functional aspect of sunglasses is pointless…